14 Hilarious Tweets That Show What Marriage Is Really Like

They vowed "'til death do us part," so they're making the most of it.

  • Published in Funny
14 Hilarious Tweets That Show What Marriage Is Really Like

Marriage is a life-long commitment to actively loving the person you vowed to spend the rest of your life with. It’s a pretty big deal when you think about it (but it's also a big deal if you don't think about it.)

Any married person will reliably tell you that it’s not all rainbows and roses. Marriage takes work, and it can be like a rollercoaster, with ups and downs and can sometimes leave you feeling dizzy.

The important thing is to have an understanding of your partner, and the drive to solve any problems together. As the adage goes, it’s you both vs the problem, not you vs your partner.

Not all conflicts require arguments or long-drawn-out discussions to be solved. Sometimes, facing things with a grain of salt and a sense of humor can be the best course of action.

It’s important for those in relationships to share a common mindset, and this goes for any time of relationship. A lasting relationship needs a strong foundation.

What better commonality to have in a relationship than a shared sense of humor? Making your partner laugh can release those feel-good hormones, dopamine, and oxytocin, making you feel closer and happier with your partner.

The happier and closer you feel to your partner, the more likely you’ll have a long and enjoyable relationship. It’s basically science.

Twitter has a wide user base, including comedians, married people, and the entertaining mashup of funny married folks. So, we gathered some of the best tweets that shine a light on the importance of humor in a relationship, just keep scrolling!

1. How is it not obvious?

1. How is it not obvious?Twitter: @LurkAtHomeMom

2. Snack wife

2. Snack wifeTwitter: @mommajessiec

3. Taking turns can be beneficial

3. Taking turns can be beneficialTwitter: @GingerHotDish

4. A picture is worth a thousand words, or dollars

4. A picture is worth a thousand words, or dollarsTwitter:@ spicydisasterma

Truly, the most rational response to such an absurd question.

Truly, the most rational response to such an absurd question.giphy

5. It's called PERSONAL SPACE and why we now have a king sized bed.

5. It's called PERSONAL SPACE and why we now have a king sized bed.Twitter: @TheCatWhisprer

6. That's truly inhumane, this should be considered a crime.

6. That's truly inhumane, this should be considered a crime.Twitter: @TheBoydP

7. A spoon is not the correct utensil

7. A spoon is not the correct utensilTwitter: @thearibradford

First of all, how is something like that even physically possible? We are not okay after reading that tweet.

First of all, how is something like that even physically possible? We are not okay after reading that tweet.giphy

8. They're rarely ever good. The bar is already pretty low, how are they still messing this up?

8. They're rarely ever good. The bar is already pretty low, how are they still messing this up?Twitter: @maryfairybobrry

9. The audacity

9. The audacityTwitter: @david8hughes

Is anyone else pretty sure this is what they mean when they say, "play the game?"

Is anyone else pretty sure this is what they mean when they say, giphy

10. It's just a fancy flower cup anyway.

10. It's just a fancy flower cup anyway.Twitter: @TheCatWhisprer

11. It's called enrichment. Children have playdoh, husbands have throw pillows.

11. It's called enrichment. Children have playdoh, husbands have throw pillows.Twitter: @3sunzzz

12. Third installment of the Trilogy coming soon: "USE YOUR EYES"

12. Third installment of the Trilogy coming soon: Twitter: @mommajessiec

Are you fully convinced they didn't look the first time, before asking? Please tell me that I am not the only one convinced of this.

Are you fully convinced they didn't look the first time, before asking? Please tell me that I am not the only one convinced of this.giphy

13. Well done (ba-dum-tiss)

13. Well done (ba-dum-tiss)Twitter: @junejuly12

Enjoy your burnt toast, Mr. Annoying!

Enjoy your burnt toast, Mr. Annoying!giphy

14. Clink clink lives rent-free in our minds indefinitely. Unfortunately.

14. Clink clink lives rent-free in our minds indefinitely. Unfortunately.Twitter: @sixfootcandy

What about you and your partner, do you share the same sense of humor? Do you feel it is important in a relationship to be able to joke around and occasionally make light of things?

Let us know what you think in the comments, and be sure to share with your friends and family!
