Man Swears Off Introducing Brother To Any Of His Love Interests Due To His Disturbing History Of Going After Them

That awkward moment when your greatest romantic rival is your own brother.

Man Swears Off Introducing Brother To Any Of His Love Interests Due To His Disturbing History Of Going After Them

Working alongside a sibling might not be as fun and drama-free as one might expect. One 19-year-old factory worker knew this all too well. He’d been through the wringer and emerged stronger, armed with a story and a hard lesson. Let’s dive into the details.

OP and his older brother worked at the same factory. About five months ago, they befriended a female co-worker. She lost her apartment pretty soon after that, and our considerate duo offered her a place to stay at their shared home. 

Romance wasn't in the air for our young narrator and this woman, but sparks did fly between her and his brother. They were inching toward exclusivity, taking their time and enjoying the ride—when suddenly, OP’s brother hit the brakes. The reason was as disturbing as it was shocking.

It all started when another factory friend, a twenty-year-old young woman, caught OP’s eye. Now, here comes the plot twist: the older brother, knowing full well about his younger sibling's feelings, asked the new woman out, and soon enough, they became exclusive. 

The previous potential romance with the factory woman fizzled out as he left her hanging. The interesting part? This wasn’t a one-off. OP’s brother was fond of swooping in like a hawk and preying on OP’s love interests. It had happened twice before.

Now, with a new girlfriend in the picture, OP decided to draw a line in the sand: no introductions, no interactions. Surprisingly, OP’s brother broke down in tears, labeling the accusations false.

Was OP the jerk here for putting a protective shield around his new love?

Let’s dig into the details

Let’s dig into the

A bit of background

A bit of

This is not the first time that OP’s brother has made a move on a woman that he likes

This is not the first time that OP’s brother has made a move on a woman that he

OP started seeing someone else, but made it clear to his brother that he would not be bringing her over, neither would he allow him meet her

OP started seeing someone else, but made it clear to his brother that he would not be bringing her over, neither would he allow him meet

According to OP, there seems to be a silent rivalry between both of them. And OP has decided to put a stop to it

According to OP, there seems to be a silent rivalry between both of them. And OP has decided to put a stop to

We gathered some interesting reactions from the Reddit community:

We gathered some interesting reactions from the Reddit

“You are right to keep your gf away from him. You should create firm boundaries between you.”

“You are right to keep your gf away from him. You should create firm boundaries between you.”

“Your brother is a creep, don’t pretend it’s anything else. Don’t give him an inch on this behavior.”

“Your brother is a creep, don’t pretend it’s anything else. Don’t give him an inch on this behavior.”

“I know you're young but if I were you, I'd move out with some other roommates rather than tolerate his disrespect.”

“I know you're young but if I were you, I'd move out with some other roommates rather than tolerate his disrespect.”

OP might need to consider moving out and finding a roommate that respects his boundaries

OP might need to consider moving out and finding a roommate that respects his

“I recommend backing away from your brother, are you able to move out? It sounds like you need to distance yourself from him.”

“I recommend backing away from your brother, are you able to move out? It sounds like you need to distance yourself from him.”

“NTA, personally think you should cut people like this off.”

“NTA, personally think you should cut people like this off.”

OP made it clear this wasn’t about insecurity; it was about respect. Subjecting his girlfriend to his brother’s advances is sure to make her uncomfortable.

Redditors didn’t blame OP for his decision. Instead, they labeled it a smart move. After three strikes, it’s hard to see the disturbing behavior as anything other than intentional. Time for Big Brother to grow up and stop sabotaging his sibling’s love life.

Do you agree with this verdict? Let us know in the comments. 
