Married Man Gets Roasted Online For Expecting His Home To Be Clean After Dropping In Unannounced With Friends

She's a stay at home mom, not a stay at home maid!

Married Man Gets Roasted Online For Expecting His Home To Be Clean After Dropping In Unannounced With Friends

It’s not a hidden fact that children can be a handful. Handling one child alone is already a hassle, talk more about handling three.

Believe me when I say that if you haven’t handled kids for a full day before, then you’ll never really know. Then you will realize that you can’t really blame certain moms when they get an additional helping hand.

And no, being a stay-at-home mom doesn’t mean you have all the time to yourself as there are kids to cater for. In fact, being a sitter at home is a full-time job, and honestly, they deserve all the accolades.

This is something that the OP in today’s story certainly didn’t understand (at least to some extent). So the thing is, the OP is the breadwinner of the family while his wife is a stay-at-home mom.

They have three kids who are all under the age of 10, and they always mess up the house. So the OP’s wife is left to clean the house all the time, but then the OP told her to chill and just clean the house whenever they have guests over.

Things get worse when the OP drops in unannounced with his friends and coworkers only to find their home in a messy state and he is totally embarrassed. What did he do next? Find out below.

It was embarrassing that the house was a mess

It was embarrassing that the house was a messu/Throwawaynes767

She did see the text but decided to ignore it

She did see the text but decided to ignore itu/Throwawaynes767

She was basically blaming me for her own actions

She was basically blaming me for her own actionsu/Throwawaynes767

The OP went further to add some additional information he felt we might need to know

The OP went further to add some additional information he felt we might need to knowu/Throwawaynes767

Just as the OP’s wife said, you can’t just assume she read the text just because it is "the usual way of communication." Besides, being a stay-at-home wife is not an easy job as you have to work round the clock.

The poster's actions infuriated the commenters, who attacked him in their replies. Here are some of their most popular replies below.

Stay at home mom, not stay at home maid

Stay at home mom, not stay at home maidu/Throwawaynes767

This commenter wants to get things straight

This commenter wants to get things straightu/Throwawaynes767

He has the notion that she has more time to clean

He has the notion that she has more time to cleanu/Throwawaynes767

What I'd be more concerned with at that point...

What I'd be more concerned with at that point...u/Throwawaynes767

This Redditor listed why the OP is at fault

This Redditor listed why the OP is at faultu/Throwawaynes767

If you live in the house, you should also clean it

If you live in the house, you should also clean itu/Throwawaynes767

It’s definitely getting hot in here as Redditors aren’t holding themselves back from saying their minds. The OP must have thought he was in the right, but he’s getting badly roasted in the comments and there’s more to see below.

She's busy taking care of your children all day

She's busy taking care of your children all dayu/Throwawaynes767

This commenter agrees with the OP's wife

This commenter agrees with the OP's wifeu/Throwawaynes767

When one letter makes all the difference

When one letter makes all the differenceu/Throwawaynes767

You should have had an actual conversation with your wife

You should have had an actual conversation with your wifeu/Throwawaynes767

You don't just assume she's up last minute

You don't just assume she's up last minuteu/Throwawaynes767

She's your wife, not your maid

She's your wife, not your maidu/Throwawaynes767

It's your house too so clean it

It's your house too so clean itu/Throwawaynes767

What more is left to be said when the comments have said it all? The OP should have made sure his wife saw the text instead of just assuming.

What do you have to say about this story? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below, and don’t forget to share this post with your loved ones as well.
