Woman Turns To Reddit After Feeling Guilty Over Urging Her Man Cold-Stricken Husband To Work

It seems that the husband wants his already-busy wife to still take care of him.

Woman Turns To Reddit After Feeling Guilty Over Urging Her Man Cold-Stricken Husband To Work

They say that men handle colds worse than women. And thus, the term "man cold" was born.

Some believe it exists, others don't. When guys are stricken by this sickness, they endlessly complain about it.

They fuss about being sick and feel irritable with the fact that they have to deal with it. It's like the cold is a bigger deal to them than it really is.

This could be because they're not used to being sick. Women, on the other hand, are more in tune with their bodies and get sick more often.

But whether you believe in the man cold or not, one thing is for sure: when a guy gets sick, he makes it known to everyone. He'll whine and moan about how terrible he feels.

And a user named Vast-Conclusion-1002 proves that it is real when she shared about her experience with it. She decided to seek judgment from the "Am I The A**hole?" (AITA) subreddit after her worse encounter with "man cold."

According to the woman, she didn't have time to take care of a sick person because of her schedule for the day. Her husband was already feeling better after she helped him get through this self-inflicted man cold.

So she urged him to go to work, but it didn't end well for the couple. Let's take a look at what happened.

Her husband is a great guy, except when he has the "man cold."

Her husband is a great guy, except when he has the Vast-Conclusion-1002

It was a self-inflicted sickness.

It was a self-inflicted sickness.Vast-Conclusion-1002

The woman is busy as a bee.

The woman is busy as a bee.Vast-Conclusion-1002

He already felt better so it makes a lot of sense to just go to work.

He already felt better so it makes a lot of sense to just go to work.Vast-Conclusion-1002

Now, he blames his wife.

Now, he blames his wife.Vast-Conclusion-1002

She had so much to do that day.

She had so much to do that day.Vast-Conclusion-1002

She asks the community who's wrong here.

She asks the community who's wrong here.Vast-Conclusion-1002

Letting him stay at home and allowing him to see what goes about her day could be a good idea.

Letting him stay at home and allowing him to see what goes about her day could be a good idea.InvestigatorLive1746, maggienetism

The line she needed to say.

The line she needed to say.7dayweekendgirl, LeatherHog

When the husband has a man cold, he acts like a kid.

When the husband has a man cold, he acts like a kid.Wolfenbro

Society's expectation from women

Society's expectation from womenBresciaE

It's unfair that wives need to stay on top of everything in their home despite being sick.

It's unfair that wives need to stay on top of everything in their home despite being sick.throwyouaway185

He's blaming his wife over the decisions he made.

He's blaming his wife over the decisions he made.Saraqael_Rising, JadineMakai

In some households, if something is self-inflicted then there's no sympathy.

In some households, if something is self-inflicted then there's no sympathy.jadepumpkin1984

He asked for it!

He asked for it!Lo_tessa

Others would take responsibility for their own faults.

Others would take responsibility for their own faults.flyin_high_flyin_bi



This user has seen it before

This user has seen it beforemoonskoi

Some men realize that if the did the same thing, they'd destroy the relationship.

Some men realize that if the did the same thing, they'd destroy the relationship.Throwawayhater3343

Another redditor has heard about the same thing too.

Another redditor has heard about the same thing too.calliatom

The husband created a weaponized illness.

The husband created a weaponized illness.Ihasapanda0_0

And this is the exact term of what he did.

And this is the exact term of what he did.AlanFromRochester

Sad but true.

Sad but true.RoseFeather

If you're a woman married to a man who catches the man cold, you know the drill.

He's sneezing, coughing, and generally being a big baby about it all. And of course, he expects you to take care of him.

But here's how to handle the situation. First of all, don't baby him. He's not a child, and he can probably tough it out more than he's letting on.

Just let him be and he'll eventually snap out of it. Secondly, don't coddle him. Yes, he's sick, but that doesn't mean you have to wait on him hand and foot. He can get his own food, water, and medicine.

And lastly, don't listen to his complaints. Yes, he's probably feeling awful, but there's nothing you can do about it. So just tune out his moaning and whining and he'll eventually get better.
