Young Woman Leaves Mom House Sitting, Only To Discover She Completely Rearranged Her Home, Even S*x Toys
"I am mortified and embarrassed, and it will take me weeks to put everything back where it belongs."

Life comes with its fair share of boundaries, and when those boundaries are crossed, relationships can become strained. Such is the story of OP, a 24-year-old woman who recently faced an issue with her mother that would test the limits of their relationship.
OP and her sister have had ongoing problems with their mother (56) not respecting privacy or personal space. The mother's tendency to hang photos or change the decor in OP's apartment without permission had been a point of contention, despite her intentions being seemingly benign.
OP's mother wanted to house-sit and take care of her plants while she went on a 10-day vacation. Grateful for the help, OP agreed but emphasized that she did not want any changes made to her apartment.
Upon returning home, OP found her apartment "completely turned upside down." Furniture was rearranged, and every single item had been moved to a different spot. From kitchenware to art supplies, everything was out of place.
The most shocking part was the invasion of her personal space. Her mother had gone as far as reorganizing OP's private closet, where she kept personal items, including her sex toys.
Mortified and embarrassed, OP confronted her mother, who insisted that the apartment "needed to be cleaned" and felt no remorse for her actions. OP's emotions boiled over, leading her to demand her mother leave immediately.
The incident has left OP questioning her reaction, wondering if she overreacted or if her feelings are justified. While OP's mother may have believed she was doing a good deed, her actions completely disregarded her daughter's explicit requests and violated her privacy.
Read the full story:
OP asks:

OP and her sister have had ongoing problems with their mother (56) not respecting privacy or personal space.

OP's mother wanted to house-sit and take care of her plants while she went on a 10-day vacation. Upon returning home, OP found her apartment "completely turned upside down."

Mortified and embarrassed, OP confronted her mother, who felt no remorse for her actions.

OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the a-hole:

This is a very controlling behavior, no doubt about it

OP should also change locks

This Redditor has a mom who is an obsessive tidier, but evens she has limits

This Redditor cleans when visiting parents, but is is understandable since they are probably elderly people

She is exerting her power

A good therapist could help...

Fighting fire with fire... Might not work, but it will be fun

In reflecting on OP's story and taking into consideration the feedback from most comments, it becomes apparent that the mother's actions were not merely misguided but indicative of a pattern of controlling behavior. This wasn't simply a one-time overreach; it was a blatant disregard for OP's autonomy and a breach of trust that had been building over time.
The advice to change locks is not a knee-jerk reaction but rather a legitimate call for OP to take steps to protect her privacy and assert control over her living space. This incident is more than an unfortunate misunderstanding; it reveals a profound lack of respect for boundaries that could have lasting implications for the relationship between OP and her mother.
