Silly Cats Doing Things That Only Make Sense To Other Cats

Around here, we call this #CatLogic and it's hilarious.

Silly Cats Doing Things That Only Make Sense To Other Cats

Cats are curious little critters. Research suggests that cats are quite smart, with "fantastic" long-term and short-term memory!

It's also been noticed that cats understand quite a bit so when your cats ignore you (or when my cats ignore me,) it's probably intentional. That, however, is neither here nor there, especially if you ask the cats.

What we are here to discuss today is the mind-blowing experience of observing and documenting "Cat Logic." When it comes to cats, their logic is flawed and confusing, hilarious and amusing, and above all, it is precisely the sort of thing that only makes sense if you are also a cat.

Purr-haps that is why us humans document the bizarre behavior of our cats and our kitties so frequently? Let us know what you think about these cats and their cat behavior after you look over the evidence yourself.

1. The call of the wild: but with cats.

1. The call of the wild: but with cats.eff8ble

2. I mean, the box SAYS chewy....

2. I mean, the box SAYS chewy....kR4in

3. Multifunctional as heck.

3. Multifunctional as heck.Critical_Tonight1529

4. T O A S T Y - T O E S

4. T O A S T Y - T O E Sfoppytopia

5. Nailed It! Cat Style.

5. Nailed It! Cat Style.MamaRipley

6. If not now, when?

6. If not now, when?bam_peasley

7. He sees the past, present, and future. All at once. He is the ultimate cat.

7. He sees the past, present, and future. All at once. He is the ultimate cat.Buddhacrous

8. This cat's 'cuddle me' face is enthusiastic, that's all.

8. This cat's 'cuddle me' face is enthusiastic, that's all.MamaPutz

9. Testing the boundaries life has provided...

9. Testing the boundaries life has provided...reddit

10. She works hard for the money.

10. She works hard for the money.ReddCrabb

11. A decoration has been added by your cat!

11. A decoration has been added by your cat!bbycakes1996

12. A meal fit for a king.

12. A meal fit for a king.CatastropheCat99

13. Atop his perch, your kitty looks down on you, filthy humans, and you not only let him, you assist. Good job :)

13. Atop his perch, your kitty looks down on you, filthy humans, and you not only let him, you assist. Good job :)saidish

14. Who has time for lint lickers when there are window lickers?

14. Who has time for lint lickers when there are window lickers?BroffaloSoldier

15. Hidden & Exposed: Schrödinger's Cat?

15. Hidden & Exposed: Schrödinger's Cat?weetoongirly

16. Don't you dare complain about full time tickets to the gun show.

16. Don't you dare complain about full time tickets to the gun show.youcanremember

17. Why not?

17. Why not?trustworthy-adult

18. Purrfect or Peculiar. No idea.

18. Purrfect or Peculiar. No idea.ordcastro

19. Maybe they should try another cat bed.

19. Maybe they should try another cat bed.haiquality

20. She delights in your panic. Sorry about your luck.

20. She delights in your panic. Sorry about your luck.Sammie123321

21. In all his majesty.

21. In all his majesty.HarryTheWinner

22. A cat's place to hang out.

22. A cat's place to hang out.queequegscoffee

23. Fooled by the hoomans.

23. Fooled by the hoomans.liesautitor

24. He prefers this scenery.

24. He prefers this scenery.reddit

25. There's FOOD in there and cats LOVE food.

25. There's FOOD in there and cats LOVE food.philopherszombie

26. An attempt was made. Sort of.

26. An attempt was made. Sort of.Zeewild

27. As if a cat would ever follow the rules. HA.

27. As if a cat would ever follow the rules. HA.grumpycrash