Redditors Were Infuriated Of This Mom For Locking Her Son Outside On The Night Of Christmas Eve After Breaking Curfew Hours

Punishments can be too much sometimes, don't they?

Redditors Were Infuriated Of This Mom For Locking Her Son Outside On The Night Of Christmas Eve After Breaking Curfew Hours

Teenagers like to explore and enjoy their younger years while it lasts. They want to experience freedom and be independent as soon as they can.

With this, parents have disciplinary actions to guide their children whenever they make mistakes intentionally or unintentionally. Regardless, whatever punishments they will give, it should be conducted out of love, not anger, and other things that won't help teenagers learn.

These disciplinary actions are not created because parents are using their authority to take advantage and control their children's lives. Instead, the punishments and consequences being imposed by parents are reinforcements for their children's behavior that they know how their decisions, actions, and everything that they do affects themselves and others.

On the other hand, abuse happens when parents fail to recognize their limits and the real purpose of giving punishments, Just like how this Reddit user named hannahblye was spotted by other users as a controlling and abusive parent that has endangered the life of her son for her inappropriate punishment.

Moreover, she was bashed because she did the punishment on Christmas eve, making Christmas a bad experience not only for her son but for their whole family. Scroll down to know the full story of why this mother's action was condemned by people with the possibility of being reported to the Child Protective Services (CPS).

The reason why his son missed his curfew.

"He was apparently on a date with someone (whom we haven't met) and didn't realize his phone was set an hour behind. To me, that's all excuses, I told him he had the rest of the night in the cubby to reset his time and we'd see him in the morning."
The reason why his son missed his curfew.Reddit/hannahblye

After the night had passed by.

After the night had passed by.Reddit/hannahblye

#1 Ask CPS why your actions was wrong.

#1 Ask CPS why your actions was wrong.Reddit/SharkClub12

#2 Your punishment was inappropriate for a mistake that has only been done for the first time.

#2 Your punishment was inappropriate for a mistake that has only been done for the first time.Reddit/columbospeugeot

#3 This practice is one of the reasons why kids get killed.

#3 This practice is one of the reasons why kids get killed.Reddit/Agreeable-Asparagus

#4 Your misjudgment has put your son's life in danger.

#4 Your misjudgment has put your son's life in danger.Reddit/PetrogradSwe

#5 You should know that curfew is made for safety, not for power-tripping.

#5 You should know that curfew is made for safety, not for power-tripping.Reddit/Veilchengerd

#6 How could you sleep knowing your son was outside?

#6 How could you sleep knowing your son was outside?Reddit/Ellie_A_K

#7 He should have his own key.

#7 He should have his own key.Reddit/Reasonable_Rub6337

#8 You are lucky that your son loves you.

#8 You are lucky that your son loves you.Reddit/LabTasty4475

#9 Give time to listen why they are late rather than lock them out immediately.

#9 Give time to listen why they are late rather than lock them out immediately.Reddit/Lurks4inspo

#10 There are better and justifiable punishments.

#10 There are better and justifiable punishments.Reddit/DISU18

#11 You wouldn't do that if you're a good and normal parent.

#11 You wouldn't do that if you're a good and normal parent.Reddit/theshadowppl9

#12 You need to calm down and think.

#12 You need to calm down and think.Reddit/mycathateseveryone

#13 You have control issues.

#13 You have control issues.Reddit/RiverSong_777

#14 You should help him learn from his mistake.

#14 You should help him learn from his mistake.Reddit/maarowak

#15 Child endangerment is waving.

#15 Child endangerment is waving.Reddit/kokihi_55

#16 Ponder on these questions.

#16 Ponder on these questions.Reddit/firefly232

#17 You owed him an apology for your overdramatic response.

#17 You owed him an apology for your overdramatic response.Reddit/alimck476

#18 Take this as an example just in case you forget what can happen.

#18 Take this as an example just in case you forget what can happen.Reddit/normanbeets

#19 Your son might not be aware of your rules and its consequences.

#19 Your son might not be aware of your rules and its consequences.Reddit/nafsinala

#20 Controlling parents like you raise good liars.

#20 Controlling parents like you raise good liars.Reddit/Turbulent-Army2631

It is not wrong for parents to reinforce discipline and punishments. However, parents have to be responsible in doing so and to always consider the safety and well-being of their children.

The mother might have the best intentions, but her methods were considered unsafe since they had endangered the life of her son. This story can serve as a lesson to her and to every parent out there, too.
