Woman Refuses To Lock Her Dog In Bedroom While Her Niece Is Visiting Because She Doesn’t Believe Her Parents Are Addressing Her Pet Phobia Properly

"Her parents have never tried to help, in fact her mother plays into it.

Woman Refuses To Lock Her Dog In Bedroom While Her Niece Is Visiting Because She Doesn’t Believe Her Parents Are Addressing Her Pet Phobia Properly

Dog ownership brings on a lot of responsibilities. One of the biggest problems is taking care of your dog when you have a house full of guests.

Especially if some of them are afraid of dogs. Dogs are social animals.

That’s the reason we love them so much. But even social animals can get overwhelmed by too many people and can act unpredictably.

Hosting a Christmas family gathering with around 30 people in your home sounds exhausting. And it is, both for people and pets in that home.

One Redditor posted a question: “WIBTA for not locking my dog in a room Christmas Day since my niece doesn’t like dogs..” She has a niece that's afraid of dogs and cats.

Her parents don't really do anything about it - they even encourage it.

“My niece is 9 and has always been terrified of dogs (and cats) - no she has never been bitten or attacked. Her parents have never tried to help or work out where this started, in fact, her mother plays into it - i.e.,
‘Come here DD the big dog is locked away and can’t hurt you.’ They never try to explain that the dog won’t hurt her - just that it can’t. “

Going to therapy was mentioned, but only that. OP has a small indoor dog that's great with kids.

OP was told she will be having all of her family at her house for Christmas. She doesn't want to lock her dog because she doesn't think it will cause any problems.

She doesn't have a good relationship with her brother and doesn't want to make it any worse.

OP asks:

OP asks:Reddit

She has a niece that's afraid of dogs and cats. Her parents don't really do anything about it - they even encourage it

She has a niece that's afraid of dogs and cats. Her parents don't really do anything about it  - they even encourage itReddit

Going to therapy was mentioned, but only that

Going to therapy was mentioned, but only thatReddit

OP has a small indoor dog that's great with kids

OP has a small indoor dog that's great with kidsReddit

OP was told she will be having all of her family at her house for Christmas. She doesn't want to lock her dog

OP was told she will be having all of her family at her house for Christmas. She doesn't want to lock her dogReddit

She doesn't think the dog will cause any problems

She doesn't think the dog will cause any problemsReddit

She doesn't have a good relationship with her brother and doesn't want to make it any worse

She doesn't have a good relationship with her brother and doesn't want to make it any worseReddit

She posted an edit:

She posted an edit:Reddit

OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole:

OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole:Reddit

OP didn't ask to be the one in charge of the holiday

OP didn't ask to be the one in charge of the holidayReddit

Would there be a potential that someone could mistakenly let your dog out?

Would there be a potential that someone could mistakenly let your dog out?Reddit

This is true:

This is true:Reddit

OP says:

OP says:Reddit

They added:

They added:Reddit

"Give them the choice to not come OR to work with their child in advance on her phobia."


One Redditor shared:

One Redditor shared:Reddit

Actually living with a dog sometimes can help with phobias

Actually living with a dog sometimes can help with phobiasReddit

"You make the rules in your house"


Host by demand

Host by demandReddit

30 people in the house will be very stressful for the dog

30 people in the house will be very stressful for the dogReddit

Some people don't expect others to cater to their phobias

Some people don't expect others to cater to their phobiasReddit

OP posted another edit:

OP posted another edit:Reddit

Well, this is one interesting family story. We can only say - family stories are always interesting, always so much drama.

Especially when extended families are concerned. OP didn't ask to be the one in charge of the holiday, but she has to deal with it. We hope everything turns out okay.
