24 Hilarious Examples Of "Living On The Edge"

It's almost like some people live indefinitely in a Bon Jovi song or something. Either way, rock on!

  • Published in Funny
24 Hilarious Examples Of "Living On The Edge"

Some people live to live on the edge. It makes them feel alive.

And helps fight boredom too...But there are not so many challenges around in the modern world, where everything is built to be safe.

So they have to create them on their own. There are two types of people who love challenges.

The first type likes the idea of doing some daring stuff and living on the edge but doesn’t really want to be in any danger. The other type is one that takes on a challenge whenever it presents itself.

And when it doesn’t, they just create one. You can meet both types online, and everyone is there for their own reasons.

The first type is there because it is safe, and the other type is there because they are bored and just come to troll, hoping that people will get involved and give them fuel for more trolling. This adrenaline rush isn’t much, but it will get them by until a challenge in the real world comes along.

We have collected some of the examples of people “living on the edge,” and they are so amusing. Take a look. Maybe they will inspire you. Who knows...

1. Even car thieves have common sense. It takes some knowledge and skill to steal a car. However, neither is required for becoming a parent.

1. Even car thieves have common sense. It takes some knowledge and skill to steal a car. However, neither is required for becoming a parent.Reddit

2. Practice what you preach, people...

2. Practice what you preach, people...Reddit

3. Now how do you like them apples?

3. Now how do you like them apples?Reddit

4. Good reason...

4. Good reason... Reddit

5. Beez nuts

5. Beez nutsReddit

6. Laughing luggage

6. Laughing luggageReddit

7. Can you explain?

7. Can you explain?Reddit

8. Some nerves on that guy

8. Some nerves on that guyReddit

9. Harvard and Tesla people are so easy to annoy. They are asking for it...

9. Harvard and Tesla people are so easy to annoy. They are asking for it...Reddit

These people really know how to have fun. We are kind of jealous.

Are they looking for opportunities to live on the edge, or do they just come their way? Makes you wonder…

Anyway, these people are hilarious, and you probably want more. Well, lucky for you, we have more:

10. Every year the same....

10. Every year the same....Reddit

11. Maybe you can...

11. Maybe you can...Reddit

12. $10 mode is a real thing...

12. $10 mode is a real thing...Reddit

13. Give it to me all!

13. Give it to me all!Reddit

14. Yeah, school is great... You need a band to force you to get out of the house.

14. Yeah, school is great... You need a band to force you to get out of the house.Reddit

15. Chakra the Invincible.

15. Chakra the Invincible. Reddit

16. Good work. Keep it up

16. Good work. Keep it upReddit

17. Dollar Tree escapades

17. Dollar Tree escapadesReddit

18. Refreshing

18. RefreshingReddit

19. Time well spent and job well done

19. Time well spent and job well doneReddit

20. Burger sauce on a pizza? Rebel indeed.

20. Burger sauce on a pizza? Rebel indeed. Reddit

21. My words are important. Every one of them.

21. My words are important. Every one of them. Reddit

22. Look here! Look!

22. Look here! Look!Reddit

23. 100%

23. 100%Reddit

24. The fifth element.

24. The fifth element. Reddit

We have to give credit to these people. Somehow, they’ve managed to take some small things and turn them into full-blown challenges.

Whether it is driving in a Dollar Tree cart or reporting a police car with a busted taillight, they are enjoying themselves. We are kind of jealous.

Of course, trolling on the internet is the least dangerous of all things, but you can annoy people that way, so it is not recommended. The moment you hurt someone - it stops being funny.

But whenever you have a chance to stick it up to the big man, do it. Just like that guy did with YouTube.
