Die Hard Disney Fans Have Already Decided Who They Want To See In The Live-Action Hercules
All I'm saying is: Danny DeVito or bust.

From the very first live-action Disney remake and ever since, fans have floated through speculating on cast member choices, demanding their favorite actors, protesting online over culturally poor choices, and laying out their dream-come-true choices for everyone to argue about.
I don't blame them, and Hercules is no different. Sometime last fall when the rumor mill first began speculating on a live-action Hercules, names immediately began to get tossed out and some of them weren't bad. Now that Disney is getting into serious mode about talks of this animated to reality re-make, fans have gotten a lot more serious and passionate about cast discussions on social media.
Live-Action Hercules? Yes, please.
Confirmed by The Hollywood Reporter on April 30th, 2020, Disney is definitely planning a live-action remake of their animated Hercules movie. Fans have big ideas, some of them great and some of them lack-luster, most of them: passionate.
Over 14,000 people have signed a petition demanding that Ariana Grande play Megara and attached quite the essay as to why she is the perfect choice.

But the petition isn't the only voice making strides in Hercules casting choices.
Twitter users are chiming in left and right.

Kellan Lutz as Hercules?
This American actor is most well-known for his roll in the Twilight series.

Tom Holland as Hercules
Obviously, Holland is already well acquainted with the Russo Brothers and the Disney/Marvel Universe.

Zac Efron as Hercules
My personal favorite choice, but I'm not impressed by the side by side chosen here.

Come ON, Efron could totally do beefed up Hercules.

Now, lets talk Megara, because Ariana is not the only fan choice.
Liz Gilles is an accomplished Broadway actress and singer.

Hailee Steinfeld
This Academy Award nominated actress has the sultry look on point.

If the petition doesn't work, maybe pouting on Twitter will?
(I'm not completely on board with this choice, sorry y'all.)

But Liz Gilles is getting tossed into the conversation a LOT.

Jacob Elordi and Zendaya as Hercules and Megara?
Met while filming HBO's Euphoria, could this (unconfirmed) real-life couple play the Greek duo on screen as well?

Phil can only be played by Danny DeVito again.

This is essentially non-negotiable.
If we don't get Danny, we riot.

If we all chant at the same time, it might work.

1000% Agree

Okay, now let's talk Hades. Because Hades is quite the character.
Are you feeling Jeff Goldblum?

Or how about Tom Hiddleston?

Tom. Hiddleston.

Or... how about Willem Dafoe?
He is quite well known for his distinct features and voice and he has played some really impressive characters, including some animated ones.

In fact, Dafoe's name has been thrown around quite a bit.

James Woods as Hades?
Another fan favorite idea.

Assuming Pain and Panic will make an appearance, people have made some votes for these comedic relief characters as well.
Including Jonah Hill and Michael Cera, which seems... interesting.

I personally love John Mulaney and Nick Kroll for these rolls.

I do not understand the Michael Cera vote.

I DO understand the Jack Black vote.

Now let's talk The Muses, this needs to be done RIGHT.

The votes are being cast, of course.

Some seriously BIG names are being tossed around and we are here for it.

Even better? There's a lot of consistency.
Fans are in a lot more agreement than you may realize.


Of course the people cannot get enough Beyonce.

Personally, I am always here for more Lizzo. Gimme MORE.

Love us some SZA.

Could Halle Bailey land two Disney rolls? We think so.

Janelle Monae, yes.

Now, let's talk Zeus.
Dwayne, The Rock, Johnson? A seemingly obvious choice.

Of course, not everyone is stoked.
Disney has a lot going on, too. Mulan is set to release in late June of 2020 and The Little Mermaid is expected sometime in late 2021 or early 2022.

And, as with other re-makes like Aladdin, people want proper representation and good casting.
Genuinely good casting, not half-assed good casting.

If you haven't watched the animated Hercules on Disney+ recently, check out the original trailer from the 90's!
