Person Brings Us Through Their Whole Superbowl Party Situation Looking For Advice On What They Should Do
When it comes to leaving events early, there's a reason a lot of us drive separately to events.

Welcome back to another WIBTA post where someone comes to Reddit to see if something they're thinking of doing will make them TA or not. These WIBTA posts are usually posted before someone makes a decision, so they can see if the comments will tell them that they are wrong or not.
In this case, someone is coming to Reddit to ask if they will be TA for leaving an event early, which usually they wouldn't be TA at all for this especially learning the circumstances. This story is another one of the more mundane ones because it's not very serious and nobody's feelings are hurt.
We often love covering these types of stories because they are a bit lighthearted in comparison to some of the more intense stories that we cover. These are great for getting a few different unbiased opinions on a situation before making the moves to react in said situation.
So with all this being said, if you're interested in hearing more about this person's Superbowl party situation then you'll want to stay tuned. We're going to dive in and give you the full story from OPs perspective and we'll dive into the comments and see what people had to say there.
OP starts off by explaining where they are why they want to leave the Superbowl party early.

They start saying how they don't want to make anyone upset, but that they were forced not to bring their car so they can't leave by themselves.

They are asking if they'd be TA to ask one of their parents to drive them home, since they are the ones that made them only bring one car.

OP comes back with a few edits which explain them being gone from the dog long and also explaining what happened that caused them to leave early anyway.

The first comment says that OP is NTA and for them to explain to their parents why they'd like to go home early.

This person ultimately said OP was NTA but they did say that they should've planned things out a little better in order for them to be able to leave on their own time.

OP actually responded to the comment above and gave just a little bit more information on what their thought process was.

This comment said that they were TA if they ask someone to take them home. They have other options such as a Lyft or Uber.

OP comes back to respond to another comment that was asking for a little information on their age.

People are really suggesting that she ask for a Lyft or uber or something instead of having them leave the game.

It's definitely the parents fault but she probably should've stood firm on her answer of bringing her car herself.

OP actually responded to the comment above as well and gave a little more information.

This situation wasn't as crazy or emotionally draining as some of the other types of stories that we've covered. We like diving into simple stories like this sometimes to give us a break from the craziness of the internet.
Many people commented on OP's post to let her know of some different options she had, but it looks like they left early either way.
