Woman Leaves Child's Birthday Party Early After The Couple Breaks Her The News

They had her show up early so she could recover after hearing the news.

Woman Leaves Child's Birthday Party Early After The Couple Breaks Her The News

So, you know how they say that exes are like broken glass? Well, this Reddit user got a shard of that glass jabbed into their foot when their ex's new wife pulled a move that was, quite frankly, entitled and manipulative.

OP's ex's new wife called them up three weeks ago, sounding all sweet and friendly, and told them that she'd just realized that her daughter's birthday was on OP's week with their son. She then presented OP with two "options": either bring their son to the party or drop him off the night before and have them bring him back the next morning.

Now, let's pause here for a moment and acknowledge that this is not how co-parenting is supposed to work. It's not about one parent making demands or presenting the other with ultimatums. It's about communication, compromise, and respect.

But this new wife, bless her heart, didn't seem to get that memo. She was very entitled about it, insisting that OP's son had to be at his little sister's party.

When OP hesitated and said they would think about it, she continued to argue and got huffy. I mean, come on. Who does that? It's not like OP had to bring their son to the party. They could have said no, and that would have been perfectly within their rights as a parent.

Anyway, fast forward to the day before the party, and OP asks their son if he wants to go to his sister's birthday party. He says yes, so OP texts the new wife to say they'll be there and asks for the time of the party.

The new wife tells them it's at noon, so OP and their son arrive at 12:30. Except... there are no other cars in the driveway. Weird, right? They go inside, and OP's ex says he needs to talk to them before they see his wife.

OP is understandably confused and asks why, and the ex drops the bomb: his wife is pregnant.

OP's ex's new wife called her up to tell her to bring her son to her daughter's birthday party

OP's ex's new wife called her up to tell her to bring her son to her daughter's birthday partyu/BirthdayGirlIsFine

OP's son wanted to go to the party so they went, but when they arrived, there was no one else there

OP's son wanted to go to the party so they went, but when they arrived, there was no one else thereu/BirthdayGirlIsFine

It turned out that they wanted OP to show up earlier so they could break the new and give her time to recover

It turned out that they wanted OP to show up earlier so they could break the new and give her time to recoveru/BirthdayGirlIsFine

The ex's wife accused OP of ruining the birthday party for the little girl because her son wasn't going to be there

The ex's wife accused OP of ruining the birthday party for the little girl because her son wasn't going to be thereu/BirthdayGirlIsFine

OP's mom advised her to be the bigger person but she disagreed with that, and turned to Reddit

OP's mom advised her to be the bigger person but she disagreed with that, and turned to Redditu/BirthdayGirlIsFine

Asking the right questions

Asking the right questionsu/NonaAndFunseHunse

They can only blame themselves

They can only blame themselvesu/Rude_Vermicelli2268

Think critically

Think criticallyu/Raccoonsr29

Don't let them dictate your time

Don't let them dictate your timeu/Public-Ad-1553

Kids aren't pawns

Kids aren't pawnsu/jrm1102

Understandably, OP would feel frustrated and taken advantage of by their ex and his new wife. Ultimately, OP made a decision that they felt was best for themselves and their child, and that's what matters most.

It's important to prioritize our boundaries and values, even if others don't agree with them. Never let anyone else dictate your time.
