Redditor Grieves Classmate's Death, Friend Lashes At Him For Being Sad Over Someone He Wasn't Close To

"I didn’t have the right to be so sad about it"

Redditor Grieves Classmate's Death, Friend Lashes At Him For Being Sad Over Someone He Wasn't Close To

Long-lasting pain can result from any type of loss, but losing a friend can be especially challenging. You've known them for so long that you are unable to imagine them not being around anymore.

Anyone could have sworn that both of you would be best friends forever. Without them, the world could appear entirely different, perhaps difficult to wander on your own.

But that doesn't change the fact that you've suffered a significant loss, whether it was the death of your friend or a personal argument that prevented you two from speaking. The fact that society does not usually value friendships as highly as it does love connections or familial ties may compound your pain.

You can feel as though you're not welcome at funerals or that people are judging you for being so affected by this. The OP of today's story finds himself in this scenario, and his classmate judges him for it.

The thing is, OP's classmate got cancer but was doing pretty well until he caught an outside virus, and his immune system couldn’t take it. He died afterward, and the OP was really sad.

The OP missed school for around 2 days because of his grieving, and he still hasn’t fully recovered. One of OP's old classmates reached out, and they caught up on a few things, as he was much closer to the late friend.

He told the OP that he didn’t have the right to be so sad about it if he wasn’t close to the late classmate. Read the full story below and judge for yourself.

The OP kicks off his story:

The OP kicks off his story:Reddit/MOONGIRLSBURN12

One of the OP's old classmates reached out, and they caught up on a few things

One of the OP's old classmates reached out, and they caught up on a few thingsReddit/MOONGIRLSBURN12

OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the AH:

I talked to someone who is most definitely way closer to the dead friend and talked how I felt when he died. I might have been the asshole because I might have invalidated his feelings.

We've gathered some of the most upvoted comments from other Redditors for you to read through below

We've gathered some of the most upvoted comments from other Redditors for you to read through belowReddit/MOONGIRLSBURN12

Every decent person is affected by the death of someone they know

Every decent person is affected by the death of someone they knowReddit/MOONGIRLSBURN12

OP's old classmates needs to work on his feelings

OP's old classmates needs to work on his feelingsReddit/MOONGIRLSBURN12

It's completely understandable to be sad about someone's death

It's completely understandable to be sad about someone's deathReddit/MOONGIRLSBURN12

They are just grieving kids

They are just grieving kidsReddit/MOONGIRLSBURN12

Grief affects us all differently and we all have a right to it

Grief affects us all differently and we all have a right to itReddit/MOONGIRLSBURN12

The mere fact that the was sad about it speaks volume

The mere fact that the was sad about it speaks volumeReddit/MOONGIRLSBURN12

Grief is unexpressed love and love isn't quantified by time

Grief is unexpressed love and love isn't quantified by timeReddit/MOONGIRLSBURN12

Redditors sympathized with the late classmate's family, but even if the OP isn't really close to him, his classmate has no right to control how he feels about the dead. It only says volumes about the friendship and that the OP was sad about losing him.

In the end, the OP was declared not the AH and you can drop your own verdict in the comments section below.
