30 Parents Share Funny Alternative Names Their Kids Have For Everyday Objects
Lasturday, iPad Day, and Little Friday sound good to you? Kids may be onto something there...
- Published in Funny
It’s a big world out there, and kids love exploring it. And, in the process, they often give alternative names to stuff around them.
And they are all gems. Kids grow up really fast.
So if you ask parents about some of their regrets, one of the top things on the list would be not writing down all those gems. We think we will remember them, but kids’ rate of spewing out new terms is so high that we quickly forget some of their older hilarious names for stuff around them.
Luckily, now we have the Internet, and by sharing stuff our kids say, we are not only making other people smile but also keeping those gems in the cloud forever. So whenever we can’t remember that hilarious name our kid had for a garage or a dental assistant, we can just scroll and find them.
“Bless you box,” “Vampire State Building,” and “Rainbrella” are just a few of the wonderful concoctions posted online by proud parents. They are so simply innocently adorable.
We have selected some of the best alternative names kids give to stuff around them, and we suggest we start a petition to make them official names. They are much better than those adults have given them.
1. Lasturday
saltymamas2. Little Friday
Lhlodder3. Out of the frying pan...
threetimedaddy4. Just hitting some baboons around the house...
threetimedaddyLanguage is what separates us from other living beings on this planet, and we have to nurture it. Being able to express ourselves is very important.
Also, developed language skills enable us to communicate and learn. Before kids start school, their parents help them learn to speak and express themselves.
And they should do that by talking to them - a lot. Yes, we know how boring it is to repeat the same sentence or the same move 50 times just because our child thinks it's interesting.
But it's all part of development. Small kids love repetition.
First, it is crucial to talk to the kid while allowing them to respond back. Then, gradually adding new words and explaining their meanings will help to broaden a kid's vocabulary.
Of course, this doesn't mean you should hold them back in their "language escapades." On the contrary, giving alternative names to things they see around them is a vital part of the child's development – it improves logic and the thinking process.
5. Adorable
Wordesse6. Yes, we need insurance...
HomeWithPeanut7. Butt hole
thedad8. Air-spider
R_A_Dadass9. Cheese, mom
ScaryMommy10. iPad days....
DadandBuried11. Ukulady
kevinthedad12. Those sore asparaguses... they are the worst
atinacarol13. Lord Darth Tomater
ThisPaul14. Hanitizer
Rondeau0415. Thumb toe...
ThienAngst16. Long mountains
JanelleHanchett17. Werewolf dad
thedadvocate0118. Big and little versions
DarbyStouffer19. Cupcape
Tired_Dad_of_220. Jiggles
TheEmmeReynolds21. Chocolate pee pee
michimama7522. Builder mans
gfishandnuggets23. Amphibian number
OhioMomoftwo24. Brain school
iwannabek8_25. Funny name for a dental assistant
momjeansplease26. R2D2 and CPPO
SnarkyMommy7827. White broccoli
PetrickSara28. Toe salon...
dishs_up29. Blueberries are booties now
justaflyjada30. Booglies
dishs_upWhat was your favorite? Many of these names and words will become sort of family jokes that will be told over and over on every family picnic or barque.
The psychologists say that the tendency to mispronounce words or create “replacements” for actual words decreases as kids start growing up. But, the creativity doesn’t disappear but instead becomes more mature, including more elaborate jokes and puns.
So, what are you waiting for? You still have it in you – go make up some funny names.