Man Puts A Stop To Neighborhood Kids Using His Pool Following Damage Incident, Faces Backlash From Outraged Parents
The nerve of these people to argue with his pregnant wife over a pool their kids destroyed.

Your neighborhood may be peaceful and serene, but if those living in your home's vicinity are the nastiest people, it could be a nightmare. Dealing with this kind of people can push you to the limits, according to TODAY Author Amy Eley.
How do you handle nasty neighbors when they're the last people on earth you want to talk to? According to Eley, it's important to confront your neighbor on your property line or the sidewalk.
Never accuse your neighbor. Appeal to the heart by telling your neighbors how their actions bring you inconvenience and find ways to solve the problem together.
If that still doesn't work, it's time to look at the local laws and ordinances. Then present this to your neighbors in letter form to remind them to be good citizens.
Finally, if worse comes to worst, there's really no other choice but to involve the property authorities. The last resort is to file a complaint in court.
We'll look at the story of a property owner who owns a pool in his residence. He asked the "Am I The A**hole?" (AITA) community if he was wrong for banning the kids from his pool when he allowed them to use it before.
He made that decision because, firstly, he saw the kids breaking his rule. Secondly, it seems that the kids caused a tear on the side.
A property owner turns to Reddit over an issue with the kids' neighbors.

The original poster (OP) lets the kids use the pool at first.
He ultimately decided to ban the kids from the pool because they let a dog swim in it. They broke a portion of the pool too.

Redditors can't understand the attitude of the neighbors. There's too much sense of entitlement.

The OP might have to check the laws regarding attractive nuisance.

It's not advisable to let the kids play in his pool unsupervised. If something happens, the parents could demand him in court.

If something happens to the kids, he might have a hard time to get his insurance cover the accident.

He needs to cover all the bases of his property since it has an attractive nuisance.

A "No Trespassing" sign and security cameras could make him less liable if something happens.

He should've banned the kids from the very start. This was, he wouldn't have to deal with the entitled parents.

If he's in the USA, the parents can sue him if a child gets into an accident in his property.

The OP finally plans to install a fence. It's for everyone's benefit, even if the parents don't see it that way.

Redditors mostly have the same opinion on the matter.

It's for the best that he decided to ban those kids from using his pool. He's lucky that it's only the pool that was destroyed.
Things would have been worse if a kid drowned on his property. He should just let the parents complain all they want.
At least their kids are safe.
