35 Of The Most Hilarious But Stupid Things Kids Have Done
It's never a boring day if you've got a kid in the house.

The developing mind of a child is an incredible thing. It's like a little sponge that's constantly soaking up everything it touches.
I think we all miss our childhood days when everything was new and mind-blowing. As you grow older you lose the childlike sense of wonder about the world surrounding you, and that's sad.
Watching a kid show off his infinite creativity is super fun, but the unending curiosity comes with a few downsides. One of those downsides is that kids will say and do the dumbest things imaginable.
From public embarrassment to touchy questions about making babies, we picked out the best posts from the “Look How Stupid These Kids Are” subreddit. This subreddit shows us just how incredible a kid's brain is when it comes to doing the dumbest things imaginable.
Of course, we can't blame the little angels. Their little brains are still developing and we have to understand when they pull stunts like the ones you'll see in these hilarious posts.
We were all kids once and did the same or even worse things, we just don't remember it so we judge today's kids too harshly. So show some sympathy for the poor kids you're about to see.
1. Kids will ask the wildest questions imaginable.

2. The son was getting ready for a shower.

3. I remember when I could get excited over chores.

4. Let it out, let it out...

5. This kid's onto something.

6. The sandwich fights back.

7. Make it make sense.

8. You got to do your Ellies.

9. He fell for the simplest of tricks.

10. Some of these kids have more than life, I swear.

11. R.I.P. Cakey.

12. Why are kids so disgusted by the idea of sex?

13. A kid that wants to eat asparagus??

14. Just making sure.

15. That kid's gonna grow up to be someone.

16. This little guy's assassination attempt failed.

17. A true carnivore.

18. If only there was a way!

19. Well... did it work?

20. This one made me laugh out loud.

21. Selfish dad

22. A baby's closed fist will make even the strongest people self-conscious.

23. Here's a 3 in 1 special that might turn you away from ever having kids.

24. Kids remember too many things they shouldn't.

25. Who hurt my boy Ted?

26. Never thought about what it's like finding out about the dark.

27. Make up really does wonders.

28. Don't bring stomps to a knife fight.

29. A small mistake, but a huge difference.

30. What a wonderful reminder.

31. Will the search ever end?

32. They're too young to handle it.

33. I can imagine the anger.

34. Thoughts and prayers.

35. Stick to the topic, Aadi.

So how do you feel after going through all of these hilarious posts? I hope you didn't lose hope in the upcoming generations because these are just kids after all.
It's incredible to see just how innocently these kids can say the craziest things. I personally can't wait to experience this with my own kids.
