Drama Ensues After Woman Finds Out That Her Daughter Is The Only Child Not Invited To Her Classmate’s Birthday Party

Why leave only one child out of the fun?

Drama Ensues After Woman Finds Out That Her Daughter Is The Only Child Not Invited To Her Classmate’s Birthday Party

Children are little angels who need a lot of care and attention. It’s why parents are careful with words and actions around them.

However, it’s almost impossible to control other people’s actions towards your child at all times, even though they may affect your child adversely.

This is why parents need to be very involved in their children’s lives so their kids are comfortable enough to tell them things that happen behind their backs. To do this, parents join associations in their children’s schools and get close to other parents.

Unfortunately for one Redditor, their involvement in a situation involving their child’s classmate led to more drama than they were prepared for. 

OP shared on the AITA subreddit that only eleven girls are in her daughter’s class. The class had a book club, but OP’s daughter couldn’t regularly attend meetings because she was a competitive dancer.

A few weeks ago, OP’s daughter heard about her classmate Addy’s birthday party from her friend, Sarah, and she hadn’t gotten an invite.

When OP asked Addy’s mum about the invite, she explained that she had decided to invite only the book club members because she had hired someone to do a spa for the girls, and the maximum number of girls was ten. 

Thereafter, Sarah’s mother asked OP about the invite, and they shared a screenshot of their conversation with Addy’s mum. 

A week later, Addy’s mum texted OP accusing her of ruining her daughter’s party because four girls wouldn’t attend the party. This led OP to ask the AITA question.

Scroll down to see the verdict!

The story in detail

The story in detailReddit.com

OP stopped her daughter from attending the book club so that she can focus on her dance classes

OP stopped her daughter from attending the book club so that she can focus on her dance classesReddit.com

One of the girls (Addy) was throwing a birthday bash, but OP's daughter wasn't invited because she wasn't a regular at the book club

One of the girls (Addy) was throwing a birthday bash, but OP's daughter wasn't invited because she wasn't a regular at the book clubReddit.com

Consequently, four other moms declined their kids attending the party. Now Addy's mom is blaming OP for ruining her daughter's party.

Consequently, four other moms declined their kids attending the party. Now Addy's mom is blaming OP for ruining her daughter's party.Reddit.com

Important edit

Important editReddit.com

Here's how the Reddit community reacted to the story:

"NTA. Not unreasonable to think in a group that small everyone would have received an invitation."


"NTA...You trying to find out why she hasn't received an invitation is a normal thing."


"NTA - you don't exclude one kid from a party, it's unnecessarily cruel"


"NTA. You didn't stir the pot on this one"


"NTA...If other people want to drop out that is their prerogative."


"NTA...It's completely normal to want your kids not to be left alone or rejected"


"I freaking love Sarah's mom. She didn't tolerate that one girl was excluded in a small group"


"NTA...Obviously others saw that this is a hair's breadth away from bullying"


The commenters believe OP is NTA. According to them, Addy’s mum is the one who ruined her daughter’s birthday party by exempting only one child for no reason. 

Do you agree with this verdict? Don’t hesitate to let us know your thoughts in the comments below!
