Teenager Kicks Out Brother And His Pregnant Girlfriend From Her Room, GF Bashes The Family Online
"I tried to be understanding but i’m not sleeping on the couch"

Most people will typically experience some level of bitterness when they are inconvenienced as a scenario may make one resentful. But when other people are involved or when a person may be held responsible for something unpleasant we go through, our animosity tends to pick up steam.
A person is far simpler to dislike than a circumstance, especially a stranger, because we may offer moral justifications for why they ought to have done this or that. You see, a moral argument ultimately provides us—hapless humans—with what we have always desired: a means of disputing reality.
So when inconvenience occurs, the actions of others offer an alluring target for resentment because we can always make the case that because people have moral obligations, our annoyance is justifiable and we are not to blame. But irritation is always just a sign of a broken relationship between you and what you are experiencing.
It stays bad because you won't accept responsibility for how you respond to the present. The OP was not about to be inconvenienced just because her brother's girlfriend is pregnant.
While the OP was gone, her brother and his pregnant girlfriend stayed in the OP's room. They had an arrangement set before OP came back, and she wasn't going back on it.
The headline

OP has never had a problem with her until she started posting things on social media about the family

OP has tried to be understanding but she's not sleeping on the couch in her own home

OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the a-hole:
We agreed on her staying in our house until i got back from college but now the times up and she doesn’t want to go i feel bad since she’s pregnant but literally no one can tolerate her in the house besides my mother.
Let's head into the comments section and find out what other Redditors have to say regarding the OP's story

The brother's partner surely didn't expect to stay in the OP's home forever

Girlfriend needs to suck it up and go back home

This Redditor would go ahead to change the bed that they used

At the end of it all, it's the OP's room and she can stay there or not

She needs to get things together in her life

The OP was coming back and gave them plenty warning

It's not appropriate that she smeared OP's family online

Her mom said she could come back as long as she got a job

It's no secret that your ability to accept the current moment is the key to your quality of life, and harboring resentment is a terrible way to achieve it. As you wait for someone else's moral sensibility to take over and repair things for you, the situation only gets worse.
The OP only wanted her room back and that's not asking for too much. She was declared not the AH at the end of it all.
