Redditor Kicked Out Of Wedding By Bride's Mother For Arriving With Her 8-Month-Old

“She said babies were fine, then suddenly barred my son for being an early walker - who does that?!”

Redditor Kicked Out Of Wedding By Bride's Mother For Arriving With Her 8-Month-Old

It's often the smallest pebbles that can trigger the most significant avalanches in a friendship. A misinterpreted text message, a thoughtless remark, or in this case, a wedding arrangement.

A special invitation landed on the doorstep of our narrator (Original Poster) - her dear friend was getting married. This was no ordinary wedding though; it was an adventure waiting to happen. 

First of all, the destination was a whopping 8.5 hours away. The invite also stated kids were not allowed, babies were however welcome. Luckily the invitation was sent a full year ahead giving OP ample time to plan.

Being pregnant at the time, OP foresaw financial constraints, given the impending maternity leave. She immediately booked travel, car hire and hotels to ensure she could celebrate this significant day with her friend. 

However, two weeks before the wedding, an unexpected turn of events left her in shock. OP met up with the bride-to-be on a coffee date and brought her son along, only to arrive home to a text stating that her son couldn’t attend the wedding anymore as she didn’t realize he would already be walking.

OP explained she had already made non-refundable reservations. Her friend seemed upset but said nothing further. 

Finally, the D-day arrives and OP shows up with her son in tow. However, three hours into the wedding, the bride’s mother approaches her and practically suggests that they leave. She feels embarrassed and unwelcome so she leaves immediately.

All this after shelling out a considerable sum for accommodation and enduring an exhaustive 8-hour journey? The entire saga left their friendship in tatters.

Was OP being unreasonable for harboring such resentment?

The story in detail

The story in

A little background

A little

The bride told OP not to bring her baby to the wedding, as he was already walking

The bride told OP not to bring her baby to the wedding, as he was already

Unfortunately, it was already too late for OP to change her plans, especially since she couldn’t afford a babysitter on short notice

Unfortunately, it was already too late for OP to change her plans, especially since she couldn’t afford a babysitter on short

3 hours into the wedding, the bride’s mother asked OP to leave with her baby. Ever since, their friendship has not been the same

3 hours into the wedding, the bride’s mother asked OP to leave with her baby. Ever since, their friendship has not been the

Here’s how the Reddit community reacted to the story:

“A 8 month old is still a baby in my opinion. Unless the other babies around your kid's age were excluded or made to leave.”

“A 8 month old is still a baby in my opinion. Unless the other babies around your kid's age were excluded or made to leave.”

A little add-on from OP

A little add-on from

“The invite said babies were allowed. It didn’t say ‘only babies that can’t walk’…”

“The invite said babies were allowed. It didn’t say ‘only babies that can’t walk’…”

“NTA. With only 2 weeks notice it’s not reasonable of your friend to make that request.“

“NTA. With only 2 weeks notice it’s not reasonable of your friend to make that request.“

“Just because baby advanced in walking sooner doesn't make it not a baby.“

“Just because baby advanced in walking sooner doesn't make it not a baby.“

“ It wasn’t fair for her to move the goalposts 2 weeks before the wedding when you couldn’t get a refund.”

“ It wasn’t fair for her to move the goalposts 2 weeks before the wedding when you couldn’t get a refund.”

In the Reddit community, an outpouring of support surrounds OP. Many agreed that the friend's actions were not just rude but completely wrong. 

The bride was unjust in her last-minute change of plans, and while full reimbursement as an apology might have salvaged some dignity, the abrupt un-invitation was undeniably rude. 

We do hope she takes steps to mend the bridge that was unfortunately burnt in this tale.

Do you agree with this verdict? Let us know in the comments. 
