Man Accused Of "Keeping Scores" And Ruining Family Dinner After He Pointed Out How He's Been Treated Unfairly All His Life

"I just felt like it was self evident"

Man Accused Of "Keeping Scores" And Ruining Family Dinner After He Pointed Out How He's Been Treated Unfairly All His Life

In a basketball game, keeping a score gives the players the crucial input they need to alter their strategy and try their hardest to win the game. For some people, keeping a score provides them with the much-needed input needed to make the appropriate modifications in the game of life, ensuring that victories are well-counted.

Some others refer to scorekeeping as an appreciation because it places more accountability on their shoulders to prove that person wrong. The impact that these words have on one's life is dependent on that individual.

How do certain people in relationships or families keep scores? It is not a sign that they lack love and dedication if they have a tendency to keep score, but it is something that drives them from within.

The OP of today's story was accused of keeping scores all because he voiced out his heart. The 27-year-old OP has three siblings who have always gotten the best from his parents and each other.

The OP gets the leftovers if he's lucky enough. He hasn't gotten a birthday present from any of his siblings in about 10 years, but he is still asked to pitch in for group gifts for each of them every year.

The OP went to a family dinner, where he found out that his parents canceled on him just to go attend to his brother. Read the full story as you scroll down below.

The OP writes

The OP writesReddit/SelfServeSporstwash

OP's siblings talked about how nice almost all of their weddings were

OP's siblings talked about how nice almost all of their weddings wereReddit/SelfServeSporstwash

When OP's brother went back to school, his parents paid for everything

When OP's brother went back to school, his parents paid for everythingReddit/SelfServeSporstwash

OP wasn't really looking for an explanation or an apology in the moment

OP wasn't really looking for an explanation or an apology in the momentReddit/SelfServeSporstwash

OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the AH:

I did 2 things that I am being accused of being an asshole for. First, I left very abruptly in the middle of a family dinner and although I didn't say anything that was seen as extremely rude. Second, I have "kept score" regarding the amount of attention and money given to my siblings by my parents and compared it to what I have received. I don't feel like its been conscious, but its not exactly ben subtle differences in my opinion.

And the comments from other Redditors roll in...

And the comments from other Redditors roll in...Reddit/SelfServeSporstwash

The OP gave her a wake-up call

The OP gave her a wake-up callReddit/SelfServeSporstwash

Honestly, OP's siblings won't be able to see it

Honestly, OP's siblings won't be able to see itReddit/SelfServeSporstwash

OP's mom is only upset because she was stood up to

OP's mom is only upset because she was stood up toReddit/SelfServeSporstwash

The OP didn't mention the younger sibling at all

The OP didn't mention the younger sibling at allReddit/SelfServeSporstwash

This Redditor wishes them many sleepless nights

This Redditor wishes them many sleepless nightsReddit/SelfServeSporstwash

The OP and his wife are both neurodivergent

The OP and his wife are both neurodivergentReddit/SelfServeSporstwash

The OP is living this Redditor's dream

The OP is living this Redditor's dreamReddit/SelfServeSporstwash

Some Redditors told the OP that he can only be free once he releases himself from the power that DNA holds over him. That they stayed together during childhood doesn't mean he has to share a roof with them as he may end up being more hurt if he feels that DNA is more important than connection.

The OP was declared not the AH, and that's where we draw the curtains!
