Redditor Asks If He's An A**hole For Not Sharing His Niece's Secret And Outing Her To Her Mom

"There's a reason why her daughter chose not to tell her."

Redditor Asks If He's An A**hole For Not Sharing His Niece's Secret And Outing Her To Her Mom

Can you keep a secret? Well, Reddit user u/Pleasant-Can3052 can, and he recently shared a story in the AITA (Am I The A**hole?) subreddit about the most important secret he's ever kept.

The OP explained that he has five siblings, and as a result, he also has many nieces and nephews. But the Redditor has always been the closest to one of his nieces in particular, "Valentina."

When Valentina was six, her parents divorced, and later on, her mother remarried and had two more children. With her father out of the picture, Valentina formed a close bond with the OP.

When Valentina was 16, she confided in the OP about liking girls. She made her uncle swear that he wouldn't tell her mom, and he never did.

The OP honored his niece's secret and agreed that she should tell her mom in her own time. And he never pushed her to do so.

Nowadays, Valentina works in a different state, so the OP doesn't get to see her as often. But recently, he went to visit her and she introduced him to her girlfriend.

Since the relationship is getting serious, Valentina decided it was finally time to come out to her mom. But when Valentina's mother found out that the OP knew all this time, she was not happy.

She called the OP and abused him, saying he should have told her about her daughter's sexuality. Keep scrolling to see how people reacted.

The OP asked if he is an a**hole for not telling his sister about a secret that his niece told him.

The OP asked if he is an a**hole for not telling his sister about a secret that his niece told him.Reddit/Pleasant-Can3052

The Redditor explained that his sister has a 24-year-old daughter named Valentina.

The Redditor explained that his sister has a 24-year-old daughter named Valentina.Reddit/Pleasant-Can3052

When she was around 16, Valentina confided in the OP about liking girls. She made him swear not to tell her mom.

When she was around 16, Valentina confided in the OP about liking girls. She made him swear not to tell her mom.Reddit/Pleasant-Can3052

Valentina moved away to attend college when she turned 18.

Valentina moved away to attend college when she turned 18.Reddit/Pleasant-Can3052

Now that Valentina has a serious girlfriend, she decided she should finally tell her mother.

Now that Valentina has a serious girlfriend, she decided she should finally tell her mother.Reddit/Pleasant-Can3052

The OP's sister is angry with him for keeping Valentina's secret from her for so long.

The OP's sister is angry with him for keeping Valentina's secret from her for so long.Reddit/Pleasant-Can3052

Here's how people reacted.

Here's how people reacted.Reddit/CrystalQueen3000

"There's a reason why her daughter chose not to tell her."


"You made the right call."


"You are a good uncle."


"You honored your promise and respected her as a person."


"You did exactly right."


"You were right in keeping it to yourself."




"Let her be mad, but that anger is misplaced."


"What a wonderful uncle!"


"Never out someone without their permission."


"Your sister's reaction tells you why it had to be a secret."


"That is something your niece gets to share when she's comfortable."


"What a lucky niece."


"You upheld your niece's trust."


What's your take on this situation? Do you think the OP did the right thing by keeping his niece's secret, or should he have told his sister about her daughter's sexual preference?

We would love to hear your opinions on this topic. You can share your thoughts with us in the comment section.
