Woman Activates Her Inner Karen After Receiving Multiple No's While Attempting To Buy Someone Else's Service Dog

There's something repulsive about people who don't take "No" for an answer.

Woman Activates Her Inner Karen After Receiving Multiple No's While Attempting To Buy Someone Else's Service Dog

Entitlement is a nasty trait that seems to be all too common these days. You try to be friendly and accommodating, but sometimes people just don't know when to quit.

Sometimes life hands you lemons, but other times it gives you Entitled Karens. These are the people who think they're always right, and who feel entitled to whatever they want - no matter who it may hurt or inconvenience in the process.

It's frustrating to deal with these kinds of people, especially when all you're trying to do is live your life and be respectful of others. Of course, no one wants to deal with an entitled Karen, but unfortunately, they're out there, and you might encounter one at any time.

Do you back down and give them what they want, even if it's not what you want? Or do you stand your ground and risk being the target of their wrath?

It's a difficult situation to be in, but ultimately, you have to do what's best for you. In the case of the victim in this story, she chose to stand her ground - and good for her!

The exchange between the two women started when the entitled Karen reached out to buy the other woman's service dog. The initial offer was refused, but instead of respecting that decision, the entitled woman kept pushing and pushing.

After being told multiple times that the dog was not for sale, EK (Entitled Karen) finally lost it, launching into a tirade filled with personal attacks and insults.

It's odd that anyone would behave this way, but sadly, it's not all that surprising. Check out the screenshots for yourself.

NO means NO

NO means NOu/Roxythedog69 / reddit.com

u/Roxythedog69 / reddit.com

u/Roxythedog69 / reddit.com

u/Roxythedog69 / reddit.com

u/Roxythedog69 / reddit.com

u/Roxythedog69 / reddit.com

The Reddit community wasn't going to let this slip by without making their opinions heard. Here's how they reacted to the story:


"IF someone wanted my fur baby with an attitude like that, I would go straight play boss music on them"

No one can get favors with an attitude like that.

u/Roxythedog69 / reddit.com

"Speechless" is the word

u/Roxythedog69 / reddit.com

"I refuse to believe anyone would do this"

Do you think anyone can really be this entitled?

u/Roxythedog69 / reddit.com

"I’d report her account and then post the screenshots on her page"

Reporting Entitled Karens is certainly the right thing to do.

u/Roxythedog69 / reddit.com

"$300 is a joke! Apart from the generally ridiculous request"

Service dogs cost waaaay more. For a diabetic alert dog, you could shell out between $8000 to $20,000.

u/Roxythedog69 / reddit.com

"That went from 0 to 100 quick!"

Things definitely escalated quickly.

u/Roxythedog69 / reddit.com

"This ENTITLED A**HAT is CLEARLY in La-La-Land!"

u/Roxythedog69 / reddit.com

"If her 7 year old was really ill you would expect her to do more than try to get a babysitting dog"

u/Roxythedog69 / reddit.com

"I will go to prison for these Karens because I will straight up repeatedly punch them in their throats"

When faced with a Karen situation, we'd recommend staying calm. Violence is never the answer.

u/Roxythedog69 / reddit.com

The bottom line is if someone says no, it's time to move on. Don't launch into a full-blown meltdown because you didn't get what you want. 

There are plenty of other people in the world who would love to help you out—just be polite and respectful when asking them. 

Finally, if you're ever faced with this situation, remember that it's important to stay calm. 
