Restaurant Calls Out Karen On Facebook For Throwing A Tantrum About Her Sandwich

When the woman threw a tantrum an broke one of the restaurant's $200 signs, she probably didn't realize what an online presence the business had.

Restaurant Calls Out Karen On Facebook For Throwing A Tantrum About Her Sandwich

Let's face it, we all get a little hangry sometimes. And, when we do, all we can focus on is getting fed as quickly as possible.

Naturally, if we're eating out, the person who eventually serves us that food is nothing short of a hero in our hungry eyes. Let's be honest, we pretty much treat them better than we treat our own family in that moment, right?

Well, evidently not everyone feels that way. Earlier this year, a woman left quite an impression with her particularly bad behavior when she visited Gino’s Cheese Steak & Onion in Fayetteville, New York.

When the woman threw a tantrum and broke one of the restaurant's $200 signs, she probably didn't realize what an online presence the business had. With more than 24k followers on Facebook, Gino's has a loyal fan base and many glowing reviews.

People love the food at Gino's, and they love the staff just as much. So, it's a rarity for the restaurant to have an unhappy customer, let alone one so obnoxious.

Judging by her behavior, the woman was looking for attention so that's precisely what the restaurant gave her when they posted about her on their Facebook page. Not only did the sandwich shop shame the customer but also named her for the whole world to see.

"We're looking for Rebecca Clark," the post read. And after mentioning the damaged sign they added, "We're trying to find a home or business address to send the bill."

Whether this woman was having an especially bad day, or perhaps she was particularly hangry we will never know. But either way, swearing at staff and vandalizing the store's property was not okay.

People who work in food service have to put up with rude and entitled customers daily and are often treated terribly. So, please be kind when you're enjoying (or not enjoying) a meal in a restaurant - the person serving you might have had to serve a Karen like this woman before you!

"Public Service Announcement."

Facebook/Gino’s Cheese Steak & Onion

"Rebecca Clark threw an absolute hissy fit."

Facebook/Gino’s Cheese Steak & Onion

Shame, shame, shame!

Shame, shame, shame!Facebook/Gino’s Cheese Steak & Onion

"Everyone at the bar was laughing at her."

Facebook/Gino’s Cheese Steak & Onion

"Anyone know this lunatic?"

Facebook/Gino’s Cheese Steak & Onion

Finally, the restaurant posted a photo of Rebecca's abandoned sandwich.

Finally, the restaurant posted a photo of Rebecca's abandoned sandwich.Facebook/Gino’s Cheese Steak & Onion


Yummmm!Facebook/Gino’s Cheese Steak & Onion

Here's how people reacted.

Here's how people reacted.Facebook/Jennalyn Thompson

Fred will have it!

Fred will have it!Facebook/Luggy Bloss

What a "mean lady."

What a Facebook/Megan Kathleen

OMG, it's Rebecca Clark!... Never mind.

OMG, it's Rebecca Clark!... Never mind.Facebook/Rebecca Clark

Entitled people everywhere.

Entitled people everywhere.Facebook/Brenda Smith Weissenberg

That's a "good looking" sandwich.

That's a Facebook/Ciara Pepin

We see what you did there, Nathan!

We see what you did there, Nathan!Facebook/Nathan Huxtable

But, for as many supportive comments the restaurant received, many people also disagreed with their retaliation.

But, for as many supportive comments the restaurant received, many people also disagreed with their retaliation.Facebook/Penelope Hodson


Facebook/Ashley Nichole

This seems to happen a lot.

This seems to happen a lot.Facebook/Lisa Bonaventura

"Highly unprofessional."

Facebook/Aquinda Sharper

"You never know what a person is going through."

Facebook/Valerie Butler Millspaugh

We can't help but wonder if the real Rebecca Clark ever came forward to apologize and, well, pay that bill. What's your take on this situation?

Do you think the restaurant was entitled to name and shame Rebecca, or were they being a bit too harsh with their post? Let us know in the comment section below.
