Karen Gets Kicked Out In The Middle Of Her Son's Graduation Party After Leaving Nasty Note For Server
"I feel bad for the kid, but it's also a good lesson for kids to learn that adults need to be accountable for their behavior."
- Published in Interesting
Servers have to deal with a lot of bs every time they go to work; some people just don't know how to behave properly, and that affects all the people that interact with them. You can never win with them because they are used to confrontation and love overcomplicating things unnecessarily.
However, when customers take it too far, restaurants and bars have the right to kick them out and put a stop to the chaos they are creating. Some extreme cases even get included in a "do no serve" list and lose the right to get served in whichever establishment they got banned from.
There is no point in tolerating people that make other customers and employees uncomfortable with their behavior. It's an easy solution that prevents future problems that a customer might potentially create and ensures everyone's safety and comfort.
A Redditor who goes by the username u/naptide made a post on the r/AmItheAsshole subReddit where she explained how a customer, who previously left a nasty note and got put on the "do no serve list," dared to show up again in the restaurant she works in, and got kicked out in the middle of her son's graduation party. Scroll down and check out the full Reddit post.
Here's the original Reddit post by u/naptide:
RedditThe restaurant crew made sure to include the lady that left the note in the "do no serve" list.
RedditOP did not expect to see the lady that left the note again.
RedditThe second OP saw the lady's ID, she instantly recognized her and asked her to leave.
RedditThe lady kept trying to plead with OP, so she had to show her some proof.
RedditThe lady even tried to snatch the frame out of OP's hands.
RedditThe woman's family stuck by her side, and they left together.
RedditOP felt she went too far by ruining the kid's graduation party and decided to get the Reddit community's opinions on the matter.
RedditOP eventually added an edit to clarify some things further.
RedditIt's necessary to let the people in your life know that this kind of behavior is unacceptable.
RedditOP then added a second edit to rectify some of the things mentioned above.
RedditNot everyone can safely do this.
RedditHere's how the Reddit community reacted to u/naptide's post:
RedditPeople tend to get more and more aggressive the more they drink.
RedditThe kid probably understands the situation perfectly.
RedditThis user mentioned an important detail that most people missed.
RedditIt was not fact, not the husband.
RedditSome people have absolutely no shame.
RedditThings that make you go 'hmmmm'
RedditOP almost exposed her but held back.
RedditThis will teach her a quite valuable lesson for the future.
RedditThis kind of behavior is downright unacceptable, and OP had every right to kick the Karen out of the restaurant. This will teach her a valuable lesson, and she will think twice before doing something like that ever again. You play stupid games, and you win stupid prizes.
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