Quirky Husky Given Up By Previous Owner Because Of Her Unique Look Becomes Internet Famous And Finds A New Family
Her name is Jubilee and she already loves you
- Published in Animal Stories
Everyone deserves to be loved no matter what they look like and that category includes dogs, too. Our furry friends are just looking for a good home that will love them unconditionally.
Enter Jubilee the Siberian Husky. Jubilee ended up in a non-profit rescue organization called Husky House in New Jersey after her previous owner gave her up.
The organization believes that Jubilee's previous guardian was an unlicensed breeder. He gave up Jubilee because he thought nobody would want to buy her because of her "weird" face.
Jubilee's unique look stems from a congenital condition she has. It affected her eyelids and gave her a look that conveys her permanent surprise.
Some people were interested in adopting Jubilee while she was at the shelter for 2 years but for some reason or another, they always fall through.
Jubilee has been ridiculed for her unusual face and she's a naturally timid pup. It takes her a while to warm up to strangers but you can win her over by offering her treats.
With no adoption on Jubilee's horizon, the Husky House decided to put up a profile of Jubilee on their Facebook page. Written from Jubilee's perspective, the post received thousands of likes and shares.
Not long after that, Jubilee got adopted by a loving family who have previously rescued huskies from the group. Finally, the loving pup found her forever home.
Say hi to Jubilee everyone!
Husky HouseHere was the post written by Husky House to find Jubilee a home
Husky HouseLook at that adorable face!
Husky HouseJubilee is such a happy dog and she looks so sweet
Husky HouseJubilee even charmed the doctor who gives her regular check-ups!
Husky HouseJubilee receives a bath before meeting her potential family
Husky HouseSo calm and zen, Jubilee will snooze after this
Husky HouseJubilee is offering you her hearts, will you accept?
Husky HouseJubilee became an instant celebrity and inspired artists from all over to draw her!
Husky HouseAfter receiving thousands of applicants for Jubilee's new family, the Husky House has chosen Jubilee's new family!
Husky HouseNo longer alone, Jubilee is the happiest she's ever been. Just look at that wide, toothy smile!
Jubilee ArrunaShe lives with her 2 husky siblings
Jubilee ArrunaJubilee is trying to figure out how to open the puppy gate
Jubilee ArrunaEven with the other dog's help, they can't get through the barrier
Jubilee ArrunaBut it's okay, she will happily roam the rest of the house
Jubilee ArrunaOr maybe go outside and bask in the sun
Jubilee ArrunaJubilee's parents learned that their new pup is terrified of thunderstorms. Her sibling keeps her company and they hide from the storm together.
Jubilee ArrunaOur adorable dog also loves to play with water puddles
Jubilee ArrunaBut she also enjoys being indoors to keep her parents company
Jubilee ArrunaThey love her so much that she has a basket full of toys!
Jubilee ArrunaMost of the time, Jubilee can be seen outside, relaxing.
Jubilee ArrunaOr laying by the pool, waiting for the time she'll be brave enough to swim
Jubilee ArrunaJubilee is also a foodie and will try exotic dishes... like a basil
Jubilee ArrunaShe prefers her bed over the basil
Jubilee ArrunaJubilee wants to thank you for reading her story and showing her love! Those puppy dog eyes are irresistable!
Jubilee ArrunaIt's sad to know that dogs like Jubilee get neglected or given up because people won't consider them conventionally "pretty". A dog's worth is not measured by its look.
A dog, like Jubilee, should be shown love because they deserve it. Despite all the judgment Jubilee faced in her early life, we now know for sure that she will live the rest of it happily.
She is surrounded by her loving family and her husky siblings who will make sure she stays happy. We love you for who you are, Jubilee!