35 Bleak Jokes You Will Feel In Your Bones If You Are A Working Class Adult With At Least One Job

It's not quiet quitting. The correct description is acting your wage.

35 Bleak Jokes You Will Feel In Your Bones If You Are A Working Class Adult With At Least One Job

We've all accepted to some degree that working is a necessary part of survival. You turn 18, maybe go to college, and then you wake up one day with tons of bills to pay.

The solution: work until you can because it's too expensive to retire. Most of us work at least 40 hours a week with weekends to rest if we're lucky.

That is our foreseeable future until someone invents a better system or something. It's exhausting to work a full-time job and realize you still can't afford to live a decent life.

This is the kind of predicament that forces most of us to look for a second job and even a third one. Sadly, even the ones who pursue higher education are not paid nearly what they're worth and it's incredibly disappointing.

As if that's not bad enough, we have to deal with bosses who are determined to prove that even Lucifer has a family. These are the types of bosses who will find fault in everything you do and demand the most out of you while underpaying you.

Who needs cartoon villains when you have someone blowing up your phone on a day off, eh? Working with a terrible boss is a universal experience and everyone has painfully joked about it; here are some of them to give you war flashbacks:

1. You can't be honest about your life because it makes your boss look bad!

1. You can't be honest about your life because it makes your boss look bad!u/Comprehensive_Dig348

2. Let me introduce you to the phrase "calculated mediocrity"

2. Let me introduce you to the phrase unknown

3. That reply just proved every claim in that review and then some

3. That reply just proved every claim in that review and then someunknown

4. Two can play at this game

4. Two can play at this gameu/xCumulonimbusx

5. If your work is ever described this way, you have peaked in life

5. If your work is ever described this way, you have peaked in life@what_sara_said

6. Bad news: this is what it's like in any career you choose

6. Bad news: this is what it's like in any career you choose@jacobroyspiegel

7. It can be fun... you can eat breakfast food whenever you want (given that you can afford it)

7. It can be fun... you can eat breakfast food whenever you want (given that you can afford it)@amywhodigital

8. It's difficult to find pride in a job that mistreats you and underpays you at the same time

8. It's difficult to find pride in a job that mistreats you and underpays you at the same timeu/Clixwell002

9. Now that is the most accurate description

9. Now that is the most accurate description@DadaBaseThought

10. So... let's talk about "inflation"

10. So... let's talk about u/TheFleshPound

11. That totally makes up for it!

11. That totally makes up for it!u/daniel-moseley

12. Welcome to adulthood, Jessica. It sucks. You're gonna love it!

12. Welcome to adulthood, Jessica. It sucks. You're gonna love it!u/cloudmags

13. The audacity of some employers

13. The audacity of some employers@onlyonesqueeze

14. Because no is a complete sentence

14. Because no is a complete sentence@BRYN_BORANGA

15. It's only appropriate in this feudal society

15. It's only appropriate in this feudal societyu/Shenko-wolf

16. Pizzas and punny candies don't do the trick either. Give your employees a raise or let them go home.

16. Pizzas and punny candies don't do the trick either. Give your employees a raise or let them go home.@MissisAngele

17. Core memories!

17. Core memories!unknown

18. Is it a coincidence? Who knows!

18. Is it a coincidence? Who knows!@AntleredD

19. How many HR rules were broken in those messages?

19. How many HR rules were broken in those messages?u/OnlyFansMod

20. Huh, customers are always right

20. Huh, customers are always rightu/Lythyr

21. If you want to know what humans are really like, try to work in the retail industry

21. If you want to know what humans are really like, try to work in the retail industry@clichedout

22. You should meet the person who replied, "No."

22. You should meet the person who replied, @pseudo310

23. It's not a big shocker that after years of being exploited, teachers are finally calling it quits

23. It's not a big shocker that after years of being exploited, teachers are finally calling it quits@jolampert

24. Why stop at a three-day weekend when we can aim for the stars and have a full seven-day off? Kidding! Unless...

24. Why stop at a three-day weekend when we can aim for the stars and have a full seven-day off? Kidding! Unless...@kyleshevlin

25. ... and how our poverty is bankrupting industries left and right

25. ... and how our poverty is bankrupting industries left and rightu/Sayl0

26. Suddenly it's "nobody wants to work anymore!"

26. Suddenly it's @surlybassey

27. Thanks, universe!

27. Thanks, universe!@NateHB13

28. "I want to talk to grandma!"

28. @lauraklein

29. This is why more and more people are acting their wage. Hard work is not rewarded with a raise or promotion.

29. This is why more and more people are acting their wage. Hard work is not rewarded with a raise or promotion.u/EmperorKingDuke

30. Perfect dose of reality for a boss babe

30. Perfect dose of reality for a boss babeu/xhqshs

31. This should be on the constitution or something

31. This should be on the constitution or something@mattwallaert

32. We exert three times the effort and still live paycheck to paycheck

32. We exert three times the effort and still live paycheck to paychecku/Alex45784

33. Your fave reality star needs a dose of reality

33. Your fave reality star needs a dose of realityu/navithefaerie

34. The ridiculous expectations have to stop!

34. The ridiculous expectations have to stop!@tiangolo

35. The Sunday crowd is extra special, too

35. The Sunday crowd is extra special, too@maddireid_

I'm pretty sure our bodies aren't designed to seat 40 hours every week, staring at a computer screen. It's sadly the bleak reality for a majority of the population.

Working would be more bearable if our employers realize that we are the human beings who built them their wealth. It will be amazing once the working people realize we don't owe the so-called "job creators" any of our loyalty.
