The Future Will Likely Eradicate This List Of Jobs That Somehow Still Exist Today
Redditors were called into action for their theories on which jobs won't exist in 10-20 years
- Published in Interesting
The world changes right before our eyes, every single day. I know it's changed the most for 'Generation Y' and 'Generation Z'.
We've watched technology take over the world. It's safe to say nostalgia hits us the deepest. So much of the things we were brought up knowing are now completely non existent.
We're also the brunt of 'Generation X' and 'Baby Boomer's' jokes, although the issues they attempt to point out are actually in fact not our faults at all.
I truly can't imagine the world my children's children will grow up in. Just as I can't imagine how the world will be when my children are adults.
The kinds of jobs that will be available, it's incredibly likely they'll be polar opposite of the jobs that my friends and family work today.
These fifteen jobs however, are very unlikely to exist at all. They'll be distant memories in the next twenty years.
1. What's this job called?
Hopefully, that job where that dude stands in the men’s room of a bar and squirts soap into your hands, and hands you a paper towel, expecting a tip. I don’t hate the guy who does that job, but I loathe the fact that that job exists and that I’m forced to choose between wasting money, looking like a jerk and stiffing the guy, or taking the loophole and not washing my hands.
2. Do they exist now?
Video store employees.
3. Actual newspapers in general.
It’s me again, just lonely here, thinking bout the paperboy, wondering when he’s gonna bring me some good news
4. Just like Myspace!
Any job related to Facebook.
5. Cold calling people for sales at all.
My current job may not exist in 5 years, so I am not sure that counts.
I sell reference titles over the phone, specifically print reference titles. I suspect that with the current flow of technology this company may only be around for another 3 – 5 years.
6. Bahahaha the sticker slapper.
Ever watch “How’s Its Made” and there’s this complicated ass machine literally piecing together and building some kind of complicated product. There are arms grabbing, and lasers cutting, belts moving things, and just miracle after miracle of modern automation. Then there’s this dude who moves the finished product into a box and slaps a label on. And the viewer wonders why the fuck did they need a person to do that lousy step? That job doesn’t stand a chance.
That asshole you have to wait a week for from the cable company just to plug in a box for an exorbitant fee.
Edit: everyone… tell me how much this bums you out…
rubs nipples
8. Do you even know anyone that has a Blackberry now?
BlackBerry tech support.
9. Will we all be couch potatoes?
I hope jobs in general won’t exist in 10-20 years. Wall-E.
Edit: Oh my…what have I started.
10. This means Uber too.
Taxi Drivers. Hopefully in 20 years autonomous cars will mean we can go to the pub, get drunk and drive home safely. The computerised cars might have to be programmed to understand slurred words and mistyped commands though!
11. I can name a list of other dying breed jobs.
Mine. I am a switchboard operator, a dying breed.
12. Why is this even a thing anyway?
Toll Collectors.
13. This is scary.
Train Engineers. My father is one and complains about the newer remote controlled trains taking jobs every day.
14. Way less sketchy.
Weed dealers will become obsolete quite soon.
EDIT: Weed dealers as we currently know them will be obsolete. They’ll be forever more convenient and less sketchy.
15. This one breaks my heart into a million pieces.
I’m really sad to say this – but I hope that libraries are still operational in 10-20 years. Maybe bookstores too.
I think that while everybody says, ‘no way, books will be around forever, blablabla’ there is also the fact that libraries run on public funding and there has been legislation that continuously cuts hours and shuts down libraries.
Which one hit you the hardest?
Do you agree or disagree?
Let us know in the comments!