Jenna Ortega Breaks Silence On Rumors Concerning Her ‘Sizzling Romance’ With Johnny Depp

Is this rumor is true or just another Hollywood fantasy?

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Jenna Ortega Breaks Silence On Rumors Concerning Her ‘Sizzling Romance’ With Johnny Depp

Celebrities and rumors go hand-in-hand like peanut butter and jelly, but sometimes, the gossip mill spins out tales that are downright baffling. Case in point: the bizarre rumor that Jenna Ortega, the 21-year-old rising star known for her role in Wednesday, was romantically involved with the 61-year-old Johnny Depp. 

You read that right. The internet went wild with this unlikely pairing, whispering about an alleged "serious relationship" between the two.

So, how did this wild rumor start? It all began last year when the internet decided to play matchmaker, fueled by a few speculative sightings and the fact that Depp was rumored to have a cameo in Beetlejuice 2. 

As we all know, the internet loves a good scandal, and what’s juicier than a cross-generational romance between a Hollywood veteran and an up-and-coming star? Fans and tabloids alike jumped on the bandwagon, and before you could say "Beetlejuice" three times, the rumor spread like wildfire.

But Jenna Ortega isn’t one to let baseless gossip get under her skin. When the rumors first surfaced, she quickly shut them down, calling them ridiculous and urging people to stop spreading lies and leave them alone.

Clearly, Jenna has no time for the rumor mill’s nonsense, and who can blame her? She’s got better things to focus on, like promoting her upcoming film and reminiscing about her childhood crushes on Barack Obama and the cartoon cast of The Fox and the Hound.

Jenna Ortega is serving serious boss vibes in stripes and shades. No time for rumors; just slaying

Jenna Ortega is serving serious boss vibes in stripes and shades. No time for rumors; just slayingSantiago Felipe/WireImage

Fast forward to the present, and the buzz around Beetlejuice 2 has reignited the rumor flame. During a recent interview, Jenna was asked about the craziest rumor she’d ever heard about herself. Her answer? The notion that she was dating Johnny Depp, of course. 

When the rumor reached its boiling point, Ortega decided to set the record straight with a candid and rather hilarious response;

“It’s so insane to me,” she laughed, recalling how even her co-star Richard E. Grant had even inquired about her supposed romance. "He came up to me and just said, 'Oh, so you and Johnny?' And I laughed because I… I don’t know that person.”

“Articles really do just make up their own quotes,” she added, clearly amused by the absurdity of it all.

To make matters clearer than a crystal ball, Depp's representative also stepped in, stating,

"Mr. Depp has no personal or professional relationship with Ms. Ortega whatsoever. He has never met her or spoken to her." 

When you're old enough to be her dad but somehow end up in a dating rumor instead. Hollywood really never runs out of wild stories.

When you're old enough to be her dad but somehow end up in a dating rumor instead. Hollywood really never runs out of wild stories.Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images for Mercury Studios

In a world where a single tweet can spark global speculation, it’s refreshing to see both stars squash these baseless rumors with such grace and good humor.

So, what can we take away from this Hollywood fable? Sometimes, the truth is stranger than fiction, and celebrities have to deal with some bizarre rumors. But if Jenna Ortega’s response is any indication, they’re handling it just fine.

Beetlejuice 2 lands in cinemas on September 6th, and we’re betting the only thing Jenna Ortega will be romancing is her bright future in Hollywood.
