Redditor Gets Their Neighbor Arrested For Stealing Their Cat And Asks If They Were In The Wrong For Reporting Him

"The kid's dad went to jail because the deputy ran his plates and saw he had a warrant"

Redditor Gets Their Neighbor Arrested For Stealing Their Cat And Asks If They Were In The Wrong For Reporting Him

Taking someone’s beloved pet is a cruel act that leaves the owner heartbroken. The bond between individuals and their pets is deep, filled with mutual love, trust, and companionship, so the abrupt loss of a beloved animal companion can lead to immense emotional pain.

The act of stealing a pet not only deprives the owner of their companion but also subjects the animal to unnecessary stress and confusion. It's the kind of stress that no one should ever experience, but unfortunately, it keeps happening.

Not long ago, Redditor shared their cat went missing for several days. The OP was evidently stressed, crying all the time, but placed the cat's litter box outside and posted flyers everywhere.

Then, the OP noticed that someone was removing their flyers. It seemed suspicious, so they started asking around the neighborhood.

One neighbor said they overheard a child in the neighborhood thanking his mother for a new cat, and sure enough, when the OP approached their house, their cat was visible on the windowsill. The cat responded to the OP's presence, pawing at the glass, which was heart-wrenching for the OP.

When the OP addressed the household, explaining the cat was theirs, the lady who opened the door laughed at their face. The OP knocked again, and the man opened the door, telling the OP to leave as the cat belonged to his son.

Then the OP asked her father, who happens to be the county sheriff, for advice. Their father sent a deputy to resolve the situation.

However, complications arose when the child's father got arrested during this encounter due to an existing warrant. The catnapper lady started badmouthing the OP of being a spoiled brat who went crying to her daddy.

But the OP said they planned to call the police anyway, they called their father first just for advice. Besides, the OP didn't know their neighbor had a warrant.

So, they want to know if they were wrong for involving the police in this situation.

The OP asks:

The OP asks:Reddit

The OP explained their cat went missing, and they did everything to find her:

The OP explained their cat went missing, and they did everything to find her:Reddit

Eventually, they found the cat:

Eventually, they found the cat:Reddit

But when they went to take their cat back, the family told them to leave:

But when they went to take their cat back, the family told them to leave:Reddit

The OP called their father for advice, and he sent a deputy to solve the problem:

The OP called their father for advice, and he sent a deputy to solve the problem:Reddit

But the neighbor ended up arrested due to his existing warrant, and now his wife blames the OP:

But the neighbor ended up arrested due to his existing warrant, and now his wife blames the OP:Reddit

The neighbor got what he deserved

The neighbor got what he deservedReddit

The OP responded:

The OP responded:Reddit

A Redditor told them not to feel guilty as the neighbor got himself arrested:

A Redditor told them not to feel guilty as the neighbor got himself arrested:Reddit

"It's crazy the dude risked so much over a cat."


They could have adopted a cat

They could have adopted a catReddit

It's the neighbor's fault

It's the neighbor's faultReddit

The OP added:

The OP added:Reddit

"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes"


Redditors told the OP they were not in the wrong for returning their cat home and should not feel guilty. The neighbors could have easily adopted a cat instead of choosing to steal the OP's cat.

Plus, with an existing warrant, the neighbor got himself arrested, he should have known better.
