14 Hysterical People Asking A Couple Of Ironic But Somewhat Legit Questions
People on the internet are so weird.

The internet is filled with the most unusual people on this planet, it's like every weird person out there decided that they should be on the internet at the same time, or maybe it's just the anonymity that the internet offers that brings out the weird in every one of us.
But of course, they're not all exactly the same, sometimes these weird people end up saying some of the deepest things you'll ever hear. At first, you don't even give it a lot of importance but you eventually end up having your mind blown by it. It's such a wild feeling.
Don't do it Ellen, it's not worth it

Wild af homie

That is the 'Best Answer' indeed lmao

I don't think he understands that

Bugs? Really?

Seems Legit. Dogs tend to be protective.

Ronald Reagan must be proud.

Will this be considered as a Pizza Delivery?

Why am I crying

A twisted Giraffe you might say.

How romantic is that

I don't think they explored this area yet.

I need a mind condom because I'm being mind f*cked

Idk, ask Will.I.Am
