This Is Why You Should Never Turn To Twitter For Help Naming Your Baby
Epic troll? Fake? You decide.
- Published in Funny
Bringing your first born child into the world is usually a pretty incredible experience. However, if you spend enough time around other parents (either in real-life or on social media,) you will quickly discover that one of the heavier burdens appears to be bestowing the perfect name upon one's child.
Over the last two decades, the names parents have been choosing for their children have become increasingly... horrible. This mother cancelled her whole baby shower when too many people made fun of the ridiculous name she chose for her baby. Still, people consistently seek advice for choosing the perfect name and today we're going to learn why the last place we should turn is Twitter, where tolls run rampant sometimes.
This poor fellow named Greg Ingof had an exchange with a Twitter troll, whose handle is endeylol. "Endeylol" offered a name suggestion that he fancied would pair nicely with the family's surname, Ingof.
endeylolApparently, Greg and his wife went with the name and "Endeylol" lost it at the announcement.
endeylolGreg, apprently announced the birth of his firstborn child, Jack, along with his wife, Hila.
endeylolPeople responded in reasonable disbelief and asserted that "Endeylol" had ruined Jack's life, if it was real.
"Endeylol" shared another update, denying that he could have ruined anyone's life in the name of Internet points.
However, people figured out that the second post with the screenshot was the only fake post shared and that there was reason to believe Greg and Hila really did name their child Jack Ingoff.
If you haven't put two and two together by now, say the name Jack Ingoff a few times in your head, say it a little faster if you need to. Say it out loud if you need to! You'll definitely hear it.
It sounds an awful lot like a euphemism for masturbation, doesn't it? It does.
Whelp, best of luck to 'ol Jacky-Boy and a tip of the hat to Endeylol, who unsurprisingly has a growing Twitter fanbase.
giphyWhat do you think of the name Jack Ingoff? Are you buying it or denying it? Sound off in the comments!