Man Becomes The Internet Dad Of Over 2.5M People On TikTok Because Of The Life Advice He Shares
He invites you all to have 'Dinner With Dad.'

Growing up, kids often learn tons of valuable lessons from their parents. Whether they get it straight through a lesson or they get it through a life story told by their parents, they grow up with these lessons to guide them through life.
Unfortunately, not all of us get that kind of advice and we always can't blame our parents, of course. Maybe they didn't have the advice to give or they really didn't know how to convey it to us.
Either way, a lot of us compensate by taking advice from people on the internet or our friends, or even the parents of friends. Some of us just learn as we go through life.
We can't deny it though, there are times when we wish there was always a parent to give us advice in those hard times that we need it. Surprisingly, you can find one of these parents on TikTok of all places.
A man on the platform has been inviting people to virtually have dinner with him. But it's more than that.
Rather than just having a silent awkward virtual meal with him, he also gives advice and praise like a dad would his children, aiming to provide a safe and wonderful space for all of those people without a father figure to lean on.
Want to know more about him?
Meet Summer Clayton, Your Proud Dad
Summer Clayton or Your Proud Dad as he's known on TikTok has gained a following of over 2.5 million people on TikTok. His whole channel is dedicated to the purpose of giving people that don't have a dad to lean on the experience of having a father figure.
His most popular segment is "Dinner with Dad." And it's pretty much what it says it is.

"Dinner with Dad"
Summer sets down two plates of amazing food, he offers a short prayer, then he proceeds to ask you how your day has been and how you're doing.
Each of those videos gains about 2 to 3 million views and people flood the comments asking for advice or sharing their own experiences.

It works with everybody
The idea is very simple but it works. The best part is that it works for people of all ages who's just looking for someone to talk to and be told 'I love you."
He brings comfort to many
Many have been brought comfort by Summer's videos especially those who have come from long, tiring days with no one to really turn to. Some have also been brought to tears, being reminded of their own fathers and others who grieve what they've never experienced.
What everyone can agree on is that they appreciate Summer's efforts. For many, he brings a sense of calm, stability, and care. Some people even write very personal stories in the comments as if they were speaking to their own dad.
One wrote, "Hi Dad, I got into volleyball." Another said, "Dad...I can't sleep thinking about how scared I am of real life." The most heartwarming part is that Summer replies back to them with advice or acknowledgment which ultimately makes their day better.

His relationship with his dad was his inspiration
Summer revealed that his series was actually inspired by his relationship with his own dad. They were really close at first but their relationship degraded in early adolescence.
They even had a bit of a strained relationship at some point. But they're better now.
“Our relationship is much better now and, even through the negative portions, I still find that the good memories influence the type of content I make,” he said.
Some of his favorite memories with his dad are even featured in his videos.
Summer said that when he'd fall asleep on the couch, "My Dad would carry me to my room and tuck me in! This was actually the inspiration for one of my videos where I virtually tucked my followers in bed.”
He also revealed that his dad had quite a sweet tooth. “My dad loved certain deserts,” he said. “He liked peanut brittle and lemon condensed pie and would make these two often. It was always awesome watching his eyes light up as we helped him cool the candy on the counter.”

It's his way of helping others.
Growing up, Summer faced bullying and certain problems given that they were a low-income family.
He said that “often on the weekends when we made our first move out of Richmond, CA, we would make the trek down to the rescue mission/food bank to pick up food. It was a time for my Dad and I to bond as we hauled our groceries 6 miles round trip.” This experience cultivated his empathy and made him into the creator he is today.
Funnily enough, he wasn't 'dad' at first but when one of his followers addressed him as such, it sparked an idea.
“I decided that this was a perfect way to help others and to care of others. Simple hygienic tutorials turned to cooking tutorials, meal time point of view videos and more and now I have a large (albeit virtual) family,” Summer explained.

He's got you covered from practical advice to heartfelt conversations
Summer shares tons of practical tips and teaches skills that a typical dad would teach like shaving or tying a tie. He also sometimes tucks you in and prays for you.
In an Instagram post, Summer thanked his followers for all the love they've shown him. “Lately I’ve been praying to God after every video, thanking him for any, ‘views, exposure, or fame’ that come from the content I create. This gratitude always seems to pay off as he continues to multiply the people who support me. In any case it’s nice to be recognized and I’m proud of myself and so thankful for all of you!” he wrote.
“Some of the most touching messages I receive come from people who detail how much their day is better, how much I remind them of, or help them process the loss of a loved one, or overall how nice it is to look forward to my content. I get especially excited when older adults or people who are my age encourage me, as it validates that I’m not just some crazy guy talking to his phone on TikTok," he also told BoredPanda.

Summer has become a role model
One of the main things Summer wants to spread through his content is to remember and practice empathy. “I believe Jesus is a good example of the ‘Golden Rule’ perfected,” he said. “In John 15;12 Jesus tells us to, ‘Love one another as He (Jesus) loves us.’ In a small way I think my content allows me to continue to practice this.”
“This content, as much as it is therapeutic for others, is a practice for me as well to be a better person, to love others better and to embody empathy,” Summer added.

Everyone needs a good role model
Humans are shaped by the social and psychosocial influences around them. In part, this affects how we perceive ourselves, others, and the world around us.
As experts have said, confidence comes from the vindication and confirmation of ourselves and our actions by our parents and loved ones in our younger years. It's the foundation of our confidence and self-esteem in our adult years.

We all need a solid foundation
We all need this solid foundation in life. It would help us deal with our natural tendency to care more about the negative things that happen to us rather than the positive.
With a solid foundation, we can counter this negativity bias with positive thinking.

While enjoying this very dad selfie, know that thinking positively doesn't mean that you have to love yourself all the time. Rather, it's treating yourself with kindness and compassion.
It also helps to have someone bringing you up when you're down (like Summer).

Dad's have huge effects on our lifes
According to research, kids who grow up with present and engaged dads are less likely to drop out of school or get in jail than kids who have absent fathers and no other male role models.
More happy dad days ahead for Summer
Taking all that information and applying it to what Summer's been doing, he has managed to provide a sense of calm and consistency. He has also provided a positive presence for those who might not have access to that in their life.
Whether you just watch one of his videos or binge watch his entire catalog, there's something for everyone who just wants comfort and warmth.

Watch one of Summer's videos here:
Many people have also expressed their appreciation for Summer's works

Ah, yes, that bittersweet feeling

Real proud here too!

Sending right away

How sweet!

The internet dad being a great dad

That's what Summer's here for

This person found another dad

Everyone would be

What Summer is doing is an amazing thing. He is definitely showing all these people who don't have anyone to lean on so much love and he's giving them a light in their life.
We wish Summer all the best in his endeavors and we also can't wait to see what he has in store for us. No matter what it is, we're already proud of him.
