40 Of The Most Interesting Maps That Show How Truly Fascinating Our World Is

The bicycle lane map in Netherlands is craaazy.

40 Of The Most Interesting Maps That Show How Truly Fascinating Our World Is

Let's face it, not everyone is crazy over geography, and whenever we were faced with maps in school back then, we would rather snooze at the back of the class than try to look for someplace that seems like just a dot on a piece of paper. But for visual learners who are always up for learning something as long as it involves fascinating media, then maps were truly a good way to learn geography for them.

What most people realize is that maps can be magical—indeed, they may just be a piece of paper but it holds something that's definitely bigger than us. It's basically like you're holding the whole world right in your hands!

Maps, like books, allow us to explore places even when we're just in the comfort of our homes, and it's always fun to pretend to be an explorer in an expedition to find the treasure where "x marks the spot." It's just the same thing when you're bored and you look up Google Earth or Maps and just aimlessly wander around, seeing all the fun stuff all over the globe right at the tip of your fingertips.

Interestingly enough, there's a great corner on Reddit wherein map enthusiasts share the most fascinating things, in the form of, well, maps. And no, what people share here is never boring, you just have to see them yourself to believe!

Check out some of the best posts in this online community:

1. The State Of Global Democracy In 2022

1. The State Of Global Democracy In 2022cambeiu

2. Kid Friendly Curse Words In Europe

2. Kid Friendly Curse Words In Europeatlasova

3. Countries That Provide Humanitarian Aid To Ukraine

3. Countries That Provide Humanitarian Aid To UkraineKungUnderBerget

4. "Countries Which Offer Paid Maternity Leave And The Time They Provide For Expecting Mothers"

4. No_Negotiation_7176

5. "Europe Mapped By Trees Per Kilometre Squared (Tree Density)"

5. JuliusCheesy

6. "The Shape Of The World, According To Ancient Maps"

6. Ayman_alsh

7. "Difference Between Russia's Unfriendly List Last Year And Now"

7. thegirlwithtwoeyes

8. "The Old Borders Of The German Empire Can Still Be Seen In Present-Day Polish Election Results"

8. shruicanewastaken

9. "Country’s That Cannot Speak Any Foreign Language"

9. CraftyAcanthisitta22

10. "Wine Consumption In Europe"

10. Landgeist

11. "Traffic Fatalities, Eu vs. Us"

11. Repulsive_Narwhal_10

12. "In Case You Didn't Know, Holland & The Netherlands Are Not Interchangeable"

12. Initial_Trash

13. "The Red Areas Contain Half Of The Total Population Of Australia"

13. padmanabhapillai

14. "I Love How Africa's Third Longest River Takes Such A Long Route To Get To The Sea From The Source In Southern Guinea"

14. 19neo91

15. "Every Purple Line Is A Bicycle Lane In The Netherlands"

15. wouterk

16. Africa's Population Density

16. Africa's Population Densitysymmy546

17. "Coffee Consumption In Europe"

17. Landgeist

18. "Price Of Full Tank Of Gasoline (60 L) As A Percentage Of Average Monthly Net Salary Across The World"

18. kiwi2703

19. Nature Map

19. Nature MapLovesinica

20. "Average Male Height In Europe 2022 (In Cm)"

20. takibouhnik

21. Most Popular Dogs In Each State

21. Most Popular Dogs In Each Statesmooshedeggbog

22. Dinner Times in Europe

22. Dinner Times in EuropekkaiOkkai

23. "World Map Of Billionaires"

23. PygmalionTheVI

24. Russia Density Visualized In Contrast To Ukraine

24. Russia Density Visualized In Contrast To UkraineBrasilemMapas

25. "Latitude Of World Cities Compared To Europe"

25. cranberrycactus

26. "If Only 100 People Lived In Eu"

26. notnonneutral

27. Places Where It Isn't Okay To Knock On A Door And Run Away (Source: UK Legislation Website - Metropolitan Police Act Of 1839)"

27. Places Where It Isn't Okay To Knock On A Door And Run Away (Source: UK Legislation Website - Metropolitan Police Act Of 1839)geographyfacts

28. "I Made A 3D Model Based On A 1660 Map Of New Amsterdam / New York"

28. EdNotAHorse

29. "What War Is Currently Being Fought Near You?"

29. atlasova

30. "The Yuxi Circle: The World’s Most Overpopulated Area"

30. madrid987

31. "The Most Popular Browsers In Different Countries In 2012 And 2022"

31. theworldmaps

32. "Map Lovers, I Recently Stopped For 30 Min In A Bookshop Checking Out This Maps Book. Love The Way Visual Information Sticks In Mind!"

32. AutomaticLibrarian14

33. "Where Europeans Lay Claim To Their Neighboring Countries"

33. Upstairs_Yard5646

34. "Percentage Of Population 'Absolutely Certain' God Exists In Europe vs. Us"

34. roi1099

35. "Will You Be Offered Food When You Are A Guest"

35. barcased

36. "Europe's Most Popular Last Names"

36. LeolaBosack

37. North Korean Election Result Of 2019

37. North Korean Election Result Of 2019two_plus_two_is_zero

38. "Europe Used To Look Like This, Before It United"

38. Over9000Holland

39. A World Map Centered On Antarctica

39. A World Map Centered On Antarcticaaxeman_05

40. "Punishment Of Breaking Blasphemy Law Around The World"

40. two_plus_two_is_zero

Yep, maps aren't just those boring old things you find in stuffed storage boxes—they can also contain interesting statistics and other information, too! It's definitely worth a try joining this Reddit community because you'll definitely be at the receiving end of such random facts (but ones you'll be thankful you know).

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