50 Times This Viral Twitter Account Shared Unbelievable And Incredibly Fascinating True Facts

Not everything we learn makes us smarter, but it can build a longing in us to find out more

50 Times This Viral Twitter Account Shared Unbelievable And Incredibly Fascinating True Facts

Not everything we learn makes us smarter, but it can build a longing in us to find out more. Or, if nothing else, it can assist us in proceeding with our stalling discussions.

Learning about obscure facts isn't simply fun; it is also great for our mental wellness. For instance, specialists say that playing question and answer games can give a dopamine rush similar to betting, but without the adverse effects.

Regardless of whether our question and answer contests are different, the advantages are there. And regardless of whether we're playing questions and answers at home or going to a pub for some random trivia night, the essential benefits remain the same, which is the fact that we experience the excitement of giving the right responses to questions concerning facts that are not really known.

There is a Twitter account that goes by the handle "WTF Facts," and the account is devoted to gathering and sharing these arbitrary bits of information. From the lifestyles of celebrities to world relations, the project covers a wide scope of subjects, which is presumably the reason why its feed remains so new and intriguing.

Keep scrolling to see 50 of the most well-known tweets that this WTF Facts account has ever posted!

1. A herd of elephants marching for 12 hours

1. A herd of elephants marching for 12 hoursmrwtffacts

2. Go, Roselle!

2. Go, Roselle!mrwtffacts

3. That is one incredible funny twist right there

3. That is one incredible funny twist right theremrwtffacts

4. He must have truly loved them a lot

4. He must have truly loved them a lotmrwtffacts

5. It is good to do good

5. It is good to do goodmrwtffacts

6. Than you, Neerja Bhanot

6. Than you, Neerja Bhanotmrwtffacts

7. This is one amazing story

7. This is one amazing storymrwtffacts

8. When Jay Z visited south Africa in 2006

8. When Jay Z visited south Africa in 2006mrwtffacts

9. Once again, it is good to do good

9. Once again, it is good to do goodmrwtffacts

10. Lol... I don't even know what to say

10. Lol... I don't even know what to saymrwtffacts

11. #WorldAIDSDay

11. #WorldAIDSDaymrwtffacts

12. Disobeying orders that goes against human dignity

12. Disobeying orders that goes against human dignitymrwtffacts

13. Fighting girlfriend

13. Fighting girlfriendmrwtffacts

14. Who wants to go to jail? Nobody

14. Who wants to go to jail? Nobodymrwtffacts

15. Adults have a right to fairy tales

15. Adults have a right to fairy talesmrwtffacts

16. A crocodile turned friend

16. A crocodile turned friendmrwtffacts

17. People who boast about their IQs are losers

17. People who boast about their IQs are losersmrwtffacts

18. A hidden ancient underground city

18. A hidden ancient underground citymrwtffacts

19. The blue Nelson lake in New Zealand

19. The blue Nelson lake in New Zealandmrwtffacts

20. The deer story

20. The deer storymrwtffacts

21. I guess they just want to do normal things like normal people

21. I guess they just want to do normal things like normal peoplemrwtffacts

22. This is pure genius

22. This is pure geniusmrwtffacts

23. Breaking bad

23. Breaking badmrwtffacts

24. How to deal with an obsessed fan...

24. How to deal with an obsessed fan...mrwtffacts

25. There is always a way out

25. There is always a way outmrwtffacts

26. Now that is one hooge rock

26. Now that is one hooge rockmrwtffacts

27. The most beautiful handwriting in the world

27. The most beautiful handwriting in the worldmrwtffacts

28. Wow...

28. Wow...mrwtffacts

29. You never know who might help you tomorrow

29. You never know who might help you tomorrowmrwtffacts

30. Nice one

30. Nice onemrwtffacts

31. All about Queen Elizabeth, the second

31. All about Queen Elizabeth, the secondmrwtffacts

32. Is that all they do for a lifetime?

32. Is that all they do for a lifetime?mrwtffacts

33. Harrison Okene spent 60 hours underwater

33. Harrison Okene spent 60 hours underwatermrwtffacts

34. Incredible

34. Incrediblemrwtffacts

35. Nice one, Norway

35. Nice one, Norwaymrwtffacts

36. War is not a good thing

36. War is not a good thingmrwtffacts

37. The Atlantic road, Norway

37. The Atlantic road, Norwaymrwtffacts

38. That is interesting

38. That is interestingmrwtffacts

39. The great pyramid of Giza

39. The great pyramid of Gizamrwtffacts

40. Well, how about you fix it...

40. Well, how about you fix it...mrwtffacts

41. Reducing levels of depression amongst the disabled

41. Reducing levels of depression amongst the disabledmrwtffacts

42. This is definitely hard to believe

42. This is definitely hard to believemrwtffacts

43. You are one strong man, Mike

43. You are one strong man, Mikemrwtffacts

44. True love still exists

44. True love still existsmrwtffacts

45. Michael Jackson

45. Michael Jacksonmrwtffacts

46. Clever but still got nabbed

46. Clever but still got nabbedmrwtffacts

47. During the great depression

47. During the great depressionmrwtffacts

48. What!

48. What!mrwtffacts

49. The largest car theft in history

49. The largest car theft in historymrwtffacts

50. And the Hitman invitation continues...

50. And the Hitman invitation continues...mrwtffacts

Some of these facts I’ve known, some I just learned, and some are just so interesting that I couldn’t help but wonder why I had no idea about them before now. But it’s better late than never, right?

Anyway, it’s over to you to tell us which of these facts intrigued you the most by dropping a comment below. Or perhaps you'd like to share some of your own bizarre truths with us instead.
