50 Interesting Facts About Japan That Perfectly Depict How Different It Is To The Western World
Japan is a country never ceases to amaze us

Japan is a fantastic mix of traditional values and high technology that makes it one of the world's most fascinating countries. People there have tremendous respect for nature and do all they can to preserve it while at the same time make high-tech products that seem out of this world.
They are the best example that it can be done and that technological progress doesn't imply destroying nature or traditional values. People from abroad who visit or live in Japan love to share interesting things you can only see in Japan, and we have compiled a list of 50 of the most interesting facts about Japan that will make you love it even more.
1. "This Is How Smooth The Bullet Train Is In Japan"

2. Help is there

3. Cars for women only

Kotryna Kvietkauskaitė, an Japanese language expert, says that the Japanese are generally very welcoming of newcomers who want to learn the language and absorb their culture.
“In Japan, when a foreigner speaks Japanese, they can often get praise for their language skills, even if they simply introduced themselves, which is one of the first things that students learn to do,” she said. They appreciate the effort and don’t judge your language skills.
4. "Flight Delayed Due To The Rain Storm, Employees Of Japan Airlines Bow Sorry Passengers"

5. Koi Hanako was the oldest koi fish ever recorded. It was 226-year-old when it died

6. Fish socks

7. Hospital food

8. Again, the scenery

9. Train stop for admiring the scenery

10. Some Japanese toilets have hand wash sinks on top of them so the water can be reused. This fantastic invention saves millions of gallons of freshwater every year

11. "Kintai-Kyō Arch Bridge, In The City Of Iwakuni, Japan"

12. Good game

13. “Daisugi” is an ancient Japanese pruning method that allows lumber production without cutting down entire trees.

14. Clear Cola

15. Relocating a tree

16. Pieces of paper for easy disposal

17. Street musician

18. In this café, paralyzed people are controlling robot servers. it’s a good way to enable them to make an income

19. "This Pizza Box In Japan That Has A Handle In The Middle To Keep The Pizza Flat"

20. "Flood In Japan, Just Realized There Are Barely Any Floating Trash And Debris"

21. Baggage arranged by color

Japan and its culture have many fans around the globe, and that's great. But, sometimes, their love and fascination can become extreme and go from kawaii to cringey. Tattoos – people want Japanese kanji done without even knowing what the symbols mean.
And, let's not forget the people who think they have become experts just because they've managed to memorize the Japanese alphabet. Luckily, the vast majority of Japanophiles admire the country and understand that Japan's fundamental values are modesty and consideration of others. And they act that way.
“One person might take five years until they learn to read Japanese fiction without any problems while another person might take ten years. In other words, there isn’t a clearly defined point that can be reached after which a person can confidently state that they know Japanese as well as the average native,” she said.
The underlying message here is that you shouldn’t wait for that “perfect” moment to visit the country. Some people don’t want to visit foreign countries if they don’t know the language well enough. That’s a mistake. You should visit as soon as you can - learn the language and absorb the culture at the source.
22. "A Museum In Japan That Has Rocks That Look Like Faces"

23. "The "Solar Ark", A Massive Building In Japan Comprised Of 5,046 Solar Panels"

24. "Car Is Parked In The Driveway Which Is Built Over A Small Stream In Kyoto, Japan"

25. "Hiroshima, Before When It Got Wiped Off The Map And Less Than A Single Lifetime After"

26. "The Picture Of The Japanese Movie Advertisement Is Printed On Two Sides Of The Newspaper, So The Full Picture Could Be Seen Under Light"

27. Sinkhole repaired in two days

28. “Pets” button

29. "Aogashima Is An Isolated Village In Tokyo That Is Inside A Volcano That Has Another Mini Volcano Inside It"

30. "Economy Class Meal."

31. "Anti-Theft System For Bags I Found In The Space In Front Of The Toilet At Shinjuku Station This Week And I Really Like It"

32. Driverless sales vehicle

33. "This Is A Rice Paddy. Farmers In Japan Plant Specific Rice Species To Make These Amazing Artworks"

34. Salt water prevents the road from freezing.

35. "I Bought Eye Drops From Japan And The Owner Decided To Write A Thank You Note With It Because Of The Covid Delay And Included His Favourite Tea And Sweets"

36. Special turtle pathways

37. A 400 year-old Bonsai Tree that survived Hiroshima bomb

38. Japan's soccer fans cleaning up their sections after their match vs. Ivory Coast.

39. Drainage canals on Kyushu Island are so clean that fish is living in them.

40. Square watermelons

41. Weird strike

42. Wonderful walkway

43. Love in penguin world...

44. Hospital food

45. Private dining

46. "A Vending Machine In Japan That Sells Solder And Resistors, For Your Late-Night Circuitry Cravings"

47. "A Relaxation Drink In Japan, The Opposite Of An Energy Drink"

48. There Is A Phone Booth Known As The “Telephone Of The Wind" On A Hill Overlooking The Ocean In Otsuchi Town In Northeastern Japan. It Is Connected To Nowhere, But People Come To "Call" Family Members Lost During The 2011 Earthquake And Tsunami

49. "Floating Solar Power Plant In Japan On The On The Yamakura Dam Reservoir"

50. "My Package From Japan Just Came In And The Owner Sent Me A Note With Some Origami"
