30 Best Dad Jokes From Instagram Account Fully Dedicated To Dad Humor

Whether you love ‘em or you hate ‘em, you can’t deny that dad jokes are amusing. Luckily for us, there seems to be a near-endless supply of them

  • Published in Funny
30 Best Dad Jokes From Instagram Account Fully Dedicated To Dad Humor

Dads and moms are trendy right now. 'Mom jeans' (high waisted and light wash) are a thing, sold basically everywhere. Nike and New Balance chunky as F white sneakers are making a HUGE comeback as the 'dad shoe'. Basically, all things parents are TOTALLLLLY in.

I'll be honest... It took me becoming a mom to learn to appreciate my husband's dad jokes. See, he's a little older than me, and he had two kids before we got married, so he's been pulling out dad jokes since long before we even met. Me on the other hand, I was young and fresh when we got together. It took having our daughter for me to fall in love with his dad humour and now I can't get enough of the cheesy jokes.

-- and, I'm not alone!

There's now an entire Instagram account dedicated to Dad jokes. We have compiled our faves below but you can see all of them here!

1. Taking the spider out.

1. Taking the spider out. dadsaysjokes

2. Apples and oranges.

2. Apples and oranges. dadsaysjokes

3. brothers and sisters.

3. brothers and sisters.dadsaysjokes

4. Word

4. Worddadsaysjokes

5. We are waiting with baited breath...

5. We are waiting with baited breath...dadsaysjokes

6. Classic.

6. Classic. dadsaysjokes

7. You almost had me there.

7. You almost had me there. dadsaysjokes

8. Season 6

8. Season 6dadsaysjokes

9. Yale.

9. Yale. dadsaysjokes

10. It's gonna be poppin'

10. It's gonna be poppin'dadsaysjokes

11. BOOM.

11. BOOM. dadsaysjokes

12. Can feel it in my bones... or... fingers.

12. Can feel it in my bones... or... fingers. dadsaysjokes

13. Bah-boom-boom-chhh

13. Bah-boom-boom-chhhdadsaysjokes

14. Not on my watch!

14. Not on my watch!dadsaysjokes

15. Tripping. GET IT!?

15. Tripping. GET IT!?dadsaysjokes

16. Punctuation matters

16. Punctuation mattersdadsaysjokes

17. duh!

17. duh!dadsaysjokes

18. I stand by my word

18. I stand by my word dadsaysjokes

19. A sponge can't get into all these little spots

19. A sponge can't get into all these little spots dadsaysjokes

20. shocking!

20. shocking!dadsaysjokes

21. A big squeeze!

21. A big squeeze!dadsaysjokes

22. Nothing out of the ordinary

22. Nothing out of the ordinarydadsaysjokes

23. Bright idea!

23. Bright idea!dadsaysjokes


24. THANK GOD! dadsaysjokes

25. Soda.

25. Soda. dadsaysjokes

26. It all adds up!

26. It all adds up! dadsaysjokes

27. Don't be a boob

27. Don't be a boobdadsaysjokes

28. Could do it.... in my sleep! LOL

28.  Could do it.... in my sleep! LOLdadsaysjokes

29. Married life

29. Married life dadsaysjokes

30. New year, new shit.

30. New year, new shit. dadsaysjokes