20+ Inspiring Pet Photos Sure To Lift Your Spirits

These pet owners have every reason to be proud of their pets.

  • Published in Animals
20+ Inspiring Pet Photos Sure To Lift Your Spirits

There are so many reasons to be pleased with your pet. Pets are adorable and affectionate.

They will always watch our back, they will never let us down. They will always love us, no matter how much money we have or where we live and they will always make us smile.

Even though they are often seen performing the stupidest things, they occasionally surprise us with something so brilliant that it leaves us speechless. And it is hard to say if we love them more for their quirkiness or their smarts.

That's what makes life with a pet so interesting. It is never dull - it is a rollercoaster of unexpected events.

We've seen cats and dogs save lives, warn their owners about fires, and provide therapy, among other things. They make us feel uncomfortable at times, but there are other instances when they make us proud, and we can proudly remark, "Oh yes, that's my dog or cat."

Today's list has 21 cute creatures who have made their owners so very proud. Scroll down to see these magnificent creatures.

We know the photos we've prepared for you will make your heart melt. Our pets are the best and that's the truth, the whole truth and nothing but.

1. “25 year anniversary with my best friend today. Brought him home August 18, 1996. He still makes my heart melt.”

1. “25 year anniversary with my best friend today. Brought him home August 18, 1996. He still makes my heart melt.” u/pacingpilot

2. “She was scared of the thunder so I made her a fort”

2. “She was scared of the thunder so I made her a fort”u/Emptydata_Enzo

3. “They swapped..”

3. “They swapped..”u/Real_Joe_Mom

4. Just call me Seven

4. Just call me Sevenu/bendubberley_

5. Is this dog melting?

5. Is this dog melting?u/TwoFlyingNuns

6. Just wanted a cup of coffee...

6. Just wanted a cup of coffee...u/Baskerville84

7. "Found a stray kitty at a job site 😊"

7. u/a-space-pirate

8. “The way my new kitten was looking at my husband on the way home”

8. “The way my new kitten was looking at my husband on the way home”u/Sageseed

9. "She has a boyfriend"

9. u/cypressboz

The American Pet Products Association (APPA) found that 68 percent of U.S. households own a pet. There are around 90 million dogs and 94 million cats in US homes.

Horses were one of the least popular types of animals to keep, with around 1.6 million households owning a horse.

10. "Meet Shiba, the goodest boy!"

10. u/Sibaxx

11. “Jellybean does not like the cone of shame. He tolerates the flower of protection."

11.  “Jellybean does not like the cone of shame. He tolerates the flower of protection.u/pokitgiraffe

12. When you have been feeding and taking care of your pets but they prefer your husband:"

12. When you have been feeding and taking care of your pets but they prefer your husband:u/winnie2010

13. "Double layer of cuteness"

13. u/vinkulelu

14. "The way my cat waits for me outside the bathroom."

14. u/Faris-Hilton

15. Cute as a button. And the same size...

15. Cute as a button. And the same size...u/CarSerious278

16. “Bought some Halloween décor at a thrift store and now I can’t find my cat.”

16. “Bought some Halloween décor at a thrift store and now I can’t find my cat.”u/BroccoliDisastrous89

17. Don't worry, mom is here...

17. Don't worry, mom is here...u/muroyasuitsu199

18. Get well soon, honey

18. Get well soon, honeyu/urdadsofatt

19. “Picking up this little guy on Friday. I need name ideas, any suggestions?”

19. “Picking up this little guy on Friday. I need name ideas, any suggestions?”u/josh7alc

20. Meeting his family after so long.

20. Meeting his family after so long.u/Ihavenocluewhat2name

21. Doggy saves the day! A true hero!

21. Doggy saves the day! A true hero!u/ErvinAgustin

Interesting information: Total pet industry expenditure reached around $109.6 billion in 2021. These numbers are expected to rise.

We are spoiling our pets more and more, and it’s a good thing because they deserve it. Just remember – no gift can make up for the time.

So if you are trying to make up for not spending enough time with your pet- don’t. They will appreciate your attention much more than a new chew toy.
