50 Innocent Things That Seem Suspicious To The Rest Of Us
Things that make you go hmmm....
- Published in Interesting
In the world of advertising and marketing, there are moments when funny coincidences take center stage, leaving us to wonder if they were truly coincidental or carefully orchestrated. It's those instances when an ad features an ambiguous slogan or a product placement so poorly arranged that it becomes a joke in itself. In such moments, you can't help but think that the people in charge must have known exactly what they were doing.
Indeed, many times, they do. Some advertisers and marketers are well aware of the humorous or eyebrow-raising elements in their campaigns and choose to embrace them wholeheartedly. These moments of subtle, or not-so-subtle, wit often find their way onto the internet's playground of humor and irony—the subreddit aptly named 'They Knew.'
'They Knew' is a corner of the internet where users come together to share and celebrate these instances of intentional humor in advertising and marketing. From suggestive slogans that push the boundaries of decency to product placements that leave us scratching our heads,
'They Knew' serves as a repository for some of the most amusing and cleverly orchestrated marketing moments. In this curated collection, you'll find examples that span a wide spectrum of humor.
Some may make you chuckle, while others will have you laughing out loud. It's a testament to the creativity and boldness of advertisers who are unafraid to take risks and deliver content that stands out in a crowded marketplace.
1. Cum??
HerbertRTarlekJr2. They were well aware.
JustinSane483. Sitcom
Epoxhy4. Not a kid-friendly hotel. RUN!!!!!
Reddit5. Is it a Pokémon?
ESI856. Are they clued in on this little secret?
lifecasting_keepsake7. Barber shop
SnazberryDriver20218. Well, look who just won the 'Insurance Guru of the Year' award!
StrunkerOSU9. Medieval Church
seguace_di_hog_rider10. Please, come again
buzben11. The guy with the mad graphic skills, that's who!
Iam_Unknown1712. FU-Heavy indeed.
CrappyWaffleGun13. Absolutely awesome!
maccumhaill14. The Gig of Your Dreams!
SupremeCookiesxX15. But don't expect me to be thrilled about it!
Ferropal16. We support you both alphabetically and numerically!
kiwiiikee17. Life Ministries: calling out your commitment issues since... well, at least last Easter!
SircFGC18. Freshly baked
LuxGK19. Bathbombs
Deano123420. Well
lame_guy_10121. “Please Use Other Door”
Dpurcell9222. So wrong on many levels
Hallonsorbet23. Does this one count?
nomaddd7924. It's nice that it's hot
RemarkableExplorer6625. this the "inny" or the "outy" route?
gdrai26. DIY style!
Golux_Ironheart27. Croissant
0ntheverg328. Sure thing!
DreamWeaverY29. They knew....
ArthurButNotKing30. I love you
IcyReplacement270731. The trucks are gearing up for a "powder" party to keep the construction rolling!
Orgot32. Oh, without a doubt, that youngster was absolutely in the loop!
raverrocker33. Extravagant exhibition of Bic lighters at the local dollar store
PennyLane_8734. Oh, you bet your bottom dollar they were fully aware!
FakeBenson35. Hey, it looks like Kellogg's swanky new ad squad needs to find the lowercase 't' for 'time to skedaddle'!
devilish_enchilada36. Two-Wheeled Parking Spot
Almighty437. Hmmm
gurneyguy10138. They were in the loop, my friend!
vsthemind39. Well, believe it or not, there was at least one churchgoer who had the inside scoop!
christejada3240. Who knew getting a shower could sometimes make you feel dirtier
LucidCunning41. Sure thing!
camhumphreys42. It's like was custom-made
ListenItWillHear43. Way to go, George! You're rocking it!
eskihomer44. Old Mother Nature had it all figured out!
DriftlessHang45. Can't escape the constant reminders!
gideonindc46. Happy bunny
invisabledj47. Cheap rates and No questions asked
mitchbequiet48. Cuzzie
Human_Bean0849. Fuel your HARD WORK
WaleedDaGr850. Shockingly intense!
_kyuti51. Sure thing, they were totally in the know.
SlqSh_From double entendres cleverly hidden in slogans to the deliberate use of peculiar visuals that catch your eye, 'They Knew' showcases the lighter side of advertising. These moments remind us that behind the carefully crafted image of a brand, there are creative minds with a knack for injecting humor into their work.
So, the next time you come across an ad that seems too funny, too quirky, or too peculiar to be a mere coincidence, remember to pay a visit to 'They Knew.' It's a place where advertising blunders and clever marketing strategies coexist in perfect harmony, serving as a reminder that sometimes, laughter truly is the best advertisement.