51 People Share Their Experience With And Photos Of Infuriating Neighbors Who Truly Deserve To Be Crowned "Neighbor From Hell"
Some neighbors can be super nasty and destructive.

"Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." People may strive to follow this proverb, but this can be hard, especially when your neighbors do things that inconvenience others.
For some reason, there are hard-headed people out there who can't practice politeness, respect, and common sense. They'd rather offend, make a huge mess, or act without thinking about the consequences.
You can't help but be thankful for neighbors who are cheerful, understanding, and helpful. But in this day and age, such individuals seem to be rare.
You tried your best at building a home and community that's serene only to have a neighbor who destroys your peace. Dealing with obnoxious neighbors can drive even the kindest of people insane.
According to experts, it's important not to accuse these nasty neighbors. Instead, find a solution that will make everyone happy.
If this trick doesn't work, you can always consult your local laws and write a personal letter that offers a solution. Afterward, ask your homeowner association.
Request that they send a formal letter referencing the ordinance. Other tenants or homeowners use mediation services to help come up with a solution for both parties.
We know how hard it is to deal with neighbors from hell. If you're facing this problem and curious about other people's experiences, take a look at some of the things that online peeps shared below.
1. Nosy and racist neighbor

2. This spilled soup is accumulating notes now.

3. Why do they even breed the dogs if they're only going to neglect them?
My coworker found this 6-7 wk puppy while on a walk, took it to her neighbor who she’d previously seen with puppies, and he said he had “set the puppy free” because he’d already gotten rid of the rest and didn’t want it. Police said this isn’t the first time he’s done this.

4. A kid only wanted a joyride but ended up destroying a neighbor's property.
Neighbor's 12yo grandkid decided to sneak in the car and take a joyride. Freaked out, hit the gas, and crossed their lawn and mine to hit the front of my house

5. What were they thinking?
My neighbours had a party last night. That’s my trampoline.

6. Neighbor steal's someone else's parking spot.
We recently moved to a new apartment complex, and have out-of-state plates. Another person had been parking in the assigned covered spot we were given. We checked with the office and they said it was the spot for our apartment and the person had probably been parking there since it had been empty for a bit.
They said we didn’t have to worry about being towed. I figured it was a person who was the second car in their apartment. My suspicion seems to be confirmed as three weeks later this person hasn’t parked in any other covered spot.

7. Neighbor's welcome
While moving the first load of my thing into my new house, Neighbors greet me by burning trash and setting their truck on fire!

8. This person's weird neighbor finally moved out, but left these.

9. Some kids need to be taught a lesson.
Told my neighbors kids to knock it off when I caught them throwing rocks against my fence and siding. Found this in my backyard 30 mins later.. (I have a dog)

10. It looks delicious, though.
My mom made me threw away this good looking cake because it was given to is by a Muslim neighbour for Eid.

11. This note was left on a car of a social worker who's caring for a disabled neighbor

12. This happened during the lockdowns caused by the pandemic

13. Now that's scary!
just had part of the neighbors trampoline fly into my nieces bedroom.

14. The original poster suspects that there are corpses inside this house.

15. How to get back at your homophobic neighbor
Our homophobic neighbor complained to the city that our trash bins are on the side of our house. The city said we could put up lattice in front of the bins. Hope she loves our new lattice!

16. Neighbor shoots a hole through this person's bedroom

17. Neighbor steals a package
Ordered a bassinet for my newborn baby and my neighbor decided to steal it.

18. Destructive kid
This planter was almost 100 years old and my grandmother’s. Thank you, next-door-neighbor’s demon child, aka Spawn of Satan.

19. How did he chug everything down?
My neighbor down the streets recycling pile, must be over 100 empty 1/2 gallon bottles of captain morgans rum! The recycle bin was full as well. A lot of captain in him!!

20. Some humans can be disgusting.
Moved to a new office, i'm amazed of how disgusting my neighbours are

21. This neighbor really needs to clean up.
our duplex neighbor of 3 years mysteriously moved in the middle of the night. we had never seen the inside of his house the whole time. now we know why.

22. Some people can be super selfish.
They don't care if what they did is an inconvenience to others.

23. These are lists of all people who aren't welcome in this home.

24. Scary neighbors
The neighbor had a dispute this morning. Resulted in a gunshot through our bathroom mirror.

25. Neighbor steals delivery food

26. At this point, they need to call the authorities.

27. Is it that hard to park within their assigned spot?
I pay $125 a month to park in my parking spot. I’m 111B. This asshole is my neighbor.

28. They need to turn that thing off.
A neighbor's "security" light that they keep on 24/7

29. Does this neighbor have a grudge or something?
Another arrow to the house from a neighbor....

30. Look at what this landlord did to get free internet.
My landlord texted me this after he kicked my sweet elderly neighbor out of our duplex so he could moved in.

31. How dare they!
Neighbors moved out, took their cat’s collar, but not the cat

32. Some kid tried to decorate this car using a rock.

33. Stalking neighbor

34. Neighbors who think they can dump their dog's crap and other wastes on another tenant's balcony

35. How could they live in a house in this condition?
Not super sure it belongs here but this is my girlfriends neighbours house, it's a large family of around maybe 7/8 that I've seen (they just got evicted)

36. Neighbor thinks he owns the street.
Thiiiiiiss is why I can't wait to move! The guy across the street is a pervert scumbag who blocks our entire street with RVs that he repairs as a side buissness from his home. They'll stay parked in front of his place for months.
Guess what? There is NOTHING we can do about it! We live in a private community and the cops said they can't stop him we can only complain to the HOA but the guy is renting from friends of our so we complain and our friends get in trouble not him. 3 more weeks

37. What a creep!

38. Neighbors keep blocking the van with their bins

39. Beware of thieving neighbors
Amazon delivery picture of my package on my neighbors porch. Asked my neighbor if they happened to accidentally get my package. "Nope didn't see it"

40. Neighbor dumps hot coal into the trash and this happens.

41. Time to plant a tree!
I put up a fence to keep my thieving and incredibly nosy neighbor out. He then puts up a camera so that he can look in.

42. We hope the neighbor paid for damaging the property.
My neighbours son was hiding from them so he could sneak a smoke, he put his bud out on a paper bark tree and set the tree and my back yard on fire. First photo is how close the fire was to my gas bottles.

My neighbor “allegedly” refused to pay the guy who cleared his back yard. He’ll be coming home to this gift left in his driveway.

44. According to the original poster, their neighbor was on drugs. That's probably why he went after the medicine cabinet.
Woke up to noises coming from my bathroom turns out my neighbor tried getting into my apartment through my medicine cabinet

45. If no one's answering, people should just leave.
My nosy neighbor peeping in my window when I didn’t answer the door

46. After lending their garage to a neighbor, this is what they get.

47. Reminder: Not everyone has the same tastes in music.

48. Some people are taking advantage of a vulnerable neighbor

49. Poor cats...
My neighbours put spikes on our shared fence to stop our cats from jumping up

50. Neighbors lacking common sense
Came home from working all night to discover my (townhouse) neighbors didn't put out their fireworks completely last night.

51. How racist!

Unfortunately, we can't always choose our neighbors. Since they'll be in your area for god knows how long, make it a point to avoid conflicts as much as possible.
If it gets critical and friendly conversations are no longer working, always refer to your laws and contact the relevant authorities.
