People Of The Internet Rant About Article That Claims The Number Of Lonely, Single Men Is On The Rise

American psychologist, Greg Matos says the number of lonely men is increasing.

People Of The Internet Rant About Article That Claims The Number Of Lonely, Single Men Is On The Rise

Being single is great and there are lots of upsides to it, but after some time you may start to feel lonely because you're missing that important person in your life. You don't have to be in a relationship to be happy but studies have shown that men are typically happier and healthier when in a relationship.

As technology evolved, the way we find partners have changed and evolved alongside technology, with the number of people who use dating apps increasing every day. It's not necessarily a bad thing, it's just how humans are, we grow and evolve every day and we're used to adapting to new things all the time.

The people on the internet went off with comments and threads concerning an article written by an American psychologist, Greg Matos, where he claimed that heterosexual men are lonelier than ever and that the number of single men is increasing.

Greg listed the key reasons why he believes this is true and explained them in detail in the article which you can read below.

People had a lot to say about this article all over the internet, from Twitter to TikTok, and let's just say that the comments weren't exactly agreeing with Greg. Make sure to scroll down to read Greg's controversial article along with the comments left by other people who read the article.

Greg listed the key points that explain why the number of lonely, single men is on the rise.

Greg listed the key points that explain why the number of lonely, single men is on the rise.Greg Matos PsyD

Greg talks about the "long-term single people" group

Greg talks about the Greg Matos PsyD

He lists 3 trends in dating that are making life harder for heterosexual men. The first one is dating apps.

He lists 3 trends in dating that are making life harder for heterosexual men. The first one is dating apps.Greg Matos PsyD

62% of users on dating apps are men.

62% of users on dating apps are men.Greg Matos PsyD

The second trend are healthier relationship standards that women seek in men.

The second trend are healthier relationship standards that women seek in men.Greg Matos PsyD

The third trend he lists is men's lack of skills necessary for a successful relationship.

The third trend he lists is men's lack of skills necessary for a successful relationship.Greg Matos PsyD

Greg shared some advice on what men can do to improve their chances.

Greg shared some advice on what men can do to improve their chances.Greg Matos PsyD

He claims that we have an opportunity to revolutionize relationships.

He claims that we have an opportunity to revolutionize relationships.Greg Matos PsyD

TikTok user "legionofdoon" had a lot to say about the article in his video rant which he posted on TikTok.

TikTok user legionofdoon

This TikToker brought up some important points from the article

This TikToker brought up some important points from the articlelegionofdoon

Proof for his claims lies in the article itself.

Proof for his claims lies in the article itself.legionofdoon

Women are increasing their standards.

Women are increasing their standards.legionofdoon

It's time to treat human beings well.

It's time to treat human beings well.legionofdoon

As always, Twitter users had a lot to say about this study.

As always, Twitter users had a lot to say about this study.@ButNotTheCity

From the mouths of men into the ears of women.

From the mouths of men into the ears of women.@queenveej

Sounds about right.

Sounds about right.@MonateReal

Women are happy to see that other women are raising their standards.

Women are happy to see that other women are raising their standards.@blackpopgirl

Just a theory.

Just a theory.@BronaghTumulty

There's a reason for the increasing standards.

There's a reason for the increasing standards.@arletalert29

The lack of emotional connection skills have been mentioned a lot. Keep that in mind.

The lack of emotional connection skills have been mentioned a lot. Keep that in mind.@adakanma

Sad to read.

Sad to read.@lesbrains

Lot of people hurt.

Lot of people hurt.@BaronX

Now let's see what the people on TikTok say about this.

Now let's see what the people on TikTok say about this.@stephers85




Sad:Clara Swan

Fair enough

Fair enoughM

It's been brought up finally

It's been brought up finallysadinasimulation

Nothing wrong with being single

Nothing wrong with being singleAnny

That's one way to look at it.

That's one way to look at it.It'sthebrooklynbomber

The punchline

The punchlineJane McJane Jane

One way to look at it

One way to look at itKate

Happy for you!

Happy for you!LesleyMC

Bare minimum

Bare minimum@thecatsmeow24

People had a lot to say about Greg's article and they didn't take pity on the lonely, single men, with most of them blaming the men for not treating women properly, which resulted in women increasing their standards. We've seen a lot of opinions here, but what do you think about this?
