Hilariously Inappropriate Disney Memes That Will Make Anyone Giggle

Nothing in this world is immune to memes, and there are only a few exceptions that are immune from inappropriate memes. Disney does not fall into the latter category.
In fact, inappropriate Disney memes may be the best kind of memes because they are just so inappropriate feeling. It's like the perfect mix between your childhood and your current adult humor. From Aladdin to Frozen to even sweet, innocent Goofy, the Internet will meme anything. They will use their collective humor to come up with something that will make you giggle while simultaneously shielding your computer screen from public view.
Read on below for a slightly irreverent update to your childhood faves.

I mean, what else could that look be saying?

Do you need your ears checked Simba?

A whole new worlddddddd!

On the prowl

Tinkerbell is in a constant mood swing.

*awkward shifty eyes*

This is my own personal meme


I can't stop laughing!
