Imaginative Artist Creates Relatable Comics About Animals Trying To Make It In The Human World, And They're Brilliant

"Paint me like one of your French cats."
We all know that movie remakes can be hit and miss. After all, when you already have a masterpiece, you can't do much to improve on it.
Think of films like Point Break, for example. The 1991 thriller had a cult following, but the 2015 remake - not so much.
And it's really no surprise. I mean, how can you possibly improve on Keanu Reeves and Patrick Swayze?
Yep, remakes have the potential to be disastrous. But parodies, on the other hand, there's always room for them!
Animator and filmmaker Tibo Charroppin is the owner of 5-year-old Lizzy the cat, otherwise known as OwlKitty. The pair from Portland, Oregon, has been busy creating funny parodies of our favorite blockbusters starring the cute cat.
OwlKitty has already featured in parodies like How to Train Your Dragon, Jurassic Park, The Avengers, Harry Potter, Star Wars, and Pulp Fiction, but her latest starring role is our favorite by far. It's Titanic, of course!
With the assistance of creative writer and content editor Olivia Boone, Tito and Lizzy have created a hilarious masterpiece, and we think it's the best thing you'll see today! Scroll down to take a look at some of our favorite scenes, along with some behind-the-scenes footage from "OwlKitty's Titanic."
"Don't let go, Jack."
"I admire what you do with these clips."
What did you think of Lizzy's performance? We think it's only a matter of time before she's up for an Academy Award.
The likes of Jennifer Lawrence and Emily blunt best be careful because OwlKitty is coming for your crowns, queens! I mean, she already starred in Pulp Fiction, too.
If you love Lizzy as much as we do (and how could you not?), you can check out some of her and Tibo's other projects on her OwlKitty website. Let us know which ones are your favorites in the comment section.