Dog Gets His Own Personal Graduation Photo, Thereby Immortalizing His Spot In The Family

It makes perfect sense for our pets to join us in celebrating our cherished life’s accomplishments.

Dog Gets His Own Personal Graduation Photo, Thereby Immortalizing His Spot In The Family

Our pets can often deserve to be integral parts of our families, particularly if they have lived with us for years, doing almost everything with us. So it only makes perfect sense that our cats and dogs would join us in celebrating our cherished life’s accomplishments.

Olivia Dufresne felt the same way when her family dog, Yogi, turned 12 years old. That is the typical age at which a child graduates from primary school in Quebec, Canada.

Yogi, a Maltese-Yorkshire terrier-Shih Tzu crossbreed, is indeed very close to his big sisters, Pamela and Olivia Dufresne. Olivier and her sister, Pamela, adore Yogi, and despite the fact that he is not human, they recognize him as a bona fide member of their family.

They sometimes refer to him as their little prince or little treasure. Yogi has been so much a part of their everyday life that he almost appears to be human to the family.

Yogi is a very witty dog and a fast learner who comprehends many words that most dogs do not. They enjoy spending afternoons playing hide-and-seek with Yogi, and if they’re not having a great time, he’s a particularly kind younger brother—always there when they need a little emotional support and comfort, according to Olivier.

“When we cry, he licks our tears and tries to make us laugh,” Olivier added. “When we argue, he places himself between us.”

Our pets should join in when it's time to celebrate life’s milestones

Our pets should join in when it's time to celebrate life’s milestonesPAMELA DUFRESNE

Meet Yogi, a Maltese-Yorkshire terrier-Shih Tzu mix

Meet Yogi, a Maltese-Yorkshire terrier-Shih Tzu mixPAMELA DUFRESNE

Surprisingly, the sisters decided to secretly make Yogi’s graduation photo. They then swapped an old baby picture hanging between their graduation photo with Yogi’s graduation photo while no one was around to notice it.

Yogi has become such a big part of their lives that he almost seems human

Yogi has become such a big part of their lives that he almost seems humanPAMELA DUFRESNE

The entire process took a few hours of meticulous Photoshop work, but it was well worth it. Olivia almost did too good a job, as her family didn’t even notice the mantel swap for a long time.

“As a surprise, my sister Olivia decided to secretly make a graduation picture”

“As a surprise, my sister Olivia decided to secretly make a graduation picture”OLIVIA DUFRESNE

After the skillful photo shoot, Oliver and Pamela laughed for about ten minutes before starting to cry a little with joy. Yogi’s graduation picture has remained the center of attraction in the living room to this date.

Our dog’s graduation picture is placed between me and my sister’s graduation pictures

Our dog’s graduation picture is placed between me and my sister’s graduation picturesPAMELA DUFRESNE

Fortunately, the entire family agrees that Yogi’s picture deserves to be displayed. Yes, he deserved it!

“It’ll probably be there until we die,” Olivier added. “We just adore him!”

The entire endeavor took a few hours of careful Photoshop work, but the effort was well worth it

The entire endeavor took a few hours of careful Photoshop work, but the effort was well worth itPAMELA DUFRESNE

Yogi’s proud sisters are already planning how to commemorate their adorable pet’s next birthday. It’s going to be incredible!

The whole family is in agreement that Yogi’s picture deserves a place of honor

The whole family is in agreement that Yogi’s picture deserves a place of honorPAMELA DUFRESNE

When you spend years with lovely, caring, and brainy pets like Yogi, you cannot help but immortalize their presence in your life and the family as a whole. There is no better way to reward such lovely pets for their unreserved and unconditional companionship.

So arranging a photoshoot or Photoshop in their honor is just the tip of the iceberg. We want to know in the comments below how you can show your adorable pets the love they deserve.
