30 Things That Are Illegal But Aren't Actually Ethically Wrong

People on the Internet share the things that are illegal in their places but aren't actually so bad at all.

30 Things That Are Illegal But Aren't Actually Ethically Wrong

By now, we think we all know that the law is not always right. Sure, they’re made to protect us and keep order in our society but really, some of them are just plain silly. 

Some of them might be too outdated for the current state of our society. Others just plainly don’t make any sense and shouldn’t even be existing anymore. 

In fact, a lot of us might have already even broken laws without knowing it because whatever we did didn’t seem too bad to be punished or seen as a crime. Either that or some of us actually knew we were breaking the law but we knew it in ourselves that we weren’t hurting anybody, we weren’t inconveniencing anybody, and we weren’t really posing a danger to society in general. 

Honestly, some laws just seem to be there for the sake of being there. Then again, there are some laws that really do fall into the grey area. 

Redditors have been discussing this very topic of what is illegal by the book and what they wouldn’t consider ethically wrong. And we can say that a lot of them are making very valid points. 

Check out this list of illegal things that aren’t so bad in people’s opinions. Let us know what you think!

1. They must be really strict on loyalty

1. They must be really strict on loyaltyHalalWave

2. Is it bad to just be giving?

2. Is it bad to just be giving?PunMatster

3. Is it because it's Satan's food and it's a Sunday?

3. Is it because it's Satan's food and it's a Sunday?Spurgeons_Beard

4. Publishers get all the money anyway

4. Publishers get all the money anywayTropical_Geek1

5. Even in those last moments, people should still have a choice over their lives

5. Even in those last moments, people should still have a choice over their livesanalog_or_digital_ok

6. So, for instance, it's better if a tired driver keeps going and risks an accident rather than take a small nap to recharge?

6. So, for instance, it's better if a tired driver keeps going and risks an accident rather than take a small nap to recharge?why_yer_vag_so_itchy

7. Sure, it's to protect kids but why would any parent allow their small children out that late anyway?

7. Sure, it's to protect kids but why would any parent allow their small children out that late anyway?stinkycats86

8. If it's for campaigning we get why it's illegal but if it's for simple human need, why?

8. If it's for campaigning we get why it's illegal but if it's for simple human need, why?scotty6chips

9. Copyright laws are sometimes just too skewed, aren't they?

9. Copyright laws are sometimes just too skewed, aren't they?MrLuxarina

10. Don't they like the space saving

10. Don't they like the space savingCrazyOkie

11. People having to resort to that should be illegal

11. People having to resort to that should be illegalthingstooverthink

12. It's just fair game

12. It's just fair gameSuccessDisastrous625

13. Huge corporations pushed for these laws so they could shift responsibility from them to the common people

13. Huge corporations pushed for these laws so they could shift responsibility from them to the common people ChibiSailorMercury

14. Yes, seriously, sometimes it's just another big hindrance to doing the job

14. Yes, seriously, sometimes it's just another big hindrance to doing the jobResponsibleAd2541

15. You can get arrested for sending your kids to the 'wrong' school?

15. You can get arrested for sending your kids to the 'wrong' school?SadOccasion

16. Wait, why does anyone have to own more than 75 salamanders anyway? What's the story here?

16. Wait, why does anyone have to own more than 75 salamanders anyway? What's the story here?HalfEasy

17. They say they want the best for their people and yet freedom of speech is treated like the plague

17. They say they want the best for their people and yet freedom of speech is treated like the plagueRussian_bearboy

18. The law is not kind to kinder eggs

18. The law is not kind to kinder eggsabarua01

19. They're even making kindness illegal wow

19. They're even making kindness illegal wowStarChild7000

20. We're willing to pay but if they won't take our money then well

20. We're willing to pay but if they won't take our money then wellAarondhp24

21. If the government thinks they're old enough to go to war they should be damn well old enough to drink a glass of beer

21. If the government thinks they're old enough to go to war they should be damn well old enough to drink a glass of beerTrumpImpeachedInJuly

22. There are proper ways to do it but facing prison time is still a 99% eventuality

22. There are proper ways to do it but facing prison time is still a 99% eventuality JackalopeZero

23. Sexuality doesn't have any moral connotations so why

23. Sexuality doesn't have any moral connotations so whyjune-bug-69

24. So kids should be having criminal records by now

24. So kids should be having criminal records by nowSpaceDough

25. It's not wrong but it can heavily affect the ecosystems of some places apparently

25. It's not wrong but it can heavily affect the ecosystems of some places apparentlyMiserable-Narwhal217

26. Then we're not really living off the grid, are we?

26. Then we're not really living off the grid, are we?RevDLB

27. What are they supposed to do in emergency situations then? Pray?

27. What are they supposed to do in emergency situations then? Pray?Idk_906

28. How about they change it to malicious loitering?

28. How about they change it to malicious loitering?analest-analyst

29. It is kind of right though because if you were driving at a safe distance and are paying attention to your surroundings, you wouldn't rear end the car in front no matter if they suddenly slam their brakes or not

29. It is kind of right though because if you were driving at a safe distance and are paying attention to your surroundings, you wouldn't rear end the car in front no matter if they suddenly slam their brakes or notHollywood899

30. Even if it's just a quick little picnic nap?

30. Even if it's just a quick little picnic nap?Onocleasensibilis

There are already so many things in life that fall into the grey area but laws shouldn’t be one of those things that often fall into it. Then again, we have to remember that laws are human-made and thereby severely imperfect. 

No wonder our justice system is also messed up. Are there other illegal things that you think aren’t so bad at all?
