22 Times Movies Totally Nailed Their Ending Scenes Will Make You Want To Rewatch Them

Movies with a solid start and a more remarkable conclusion.

22 Times Movies Totally Nailed Their Ending Scenes Will Make You Want To Rewatch Them

We all know that not every great movie will have a great ending. Not just that, the reverse is true as well.

Of course, we’ve had that moment when a movie that didn’t start well becomes quickly unforgettable just because of the wonderful ending. Which movie had a great conclusion in movie history can be hard to decide because everyone has their own expectations.

There are certain movie conclusions that are more successful than the rest; there are some that aim to explain something but actually didn’t; there are some that denied us the closure we really needed, and there are so much more. But in all, we just want an ending that ends well.

The BuzzFeed Community were asked a question and it goes like this: "What is a movie ending scene so satisfying—so well executed—that it should've won the Academy Award for Best Movie Ending (if ya know, that was a category)?" and they did deliver. Their fantastic responses elicited even more fantastic responses.

And so we’ve gathered some of the best replies and the scenes that will make you want to thank the academy. Hold on for just a moment - this is to let you know that this is a post about movie conclusions, so there are certainly SPOILERS ahead.

So keep scrolling and get ready to be entertained.

1. The Graduate (1967)

"It's so well done and leaves you seriously thinking about how these two characters' lives are going to turn out."


2. Black Swan (2010)

"How was this not on the original list? That ending is — pun intended — perfect."


3. Say Anything... (1989)

"I loved the ending of this movie. They are on the plane and she's really nervous about flying, which was established earlier in the movie. He tells her once you hear the 'ding,' everything will be okay and that he'll 'just keep talking until the ding happens.' Then you hear it as the screen goes black, and that is how the movie ends."


4. Us (2019)

"This one has a really interesting ending. It makes you really wonder who the real villain is — Red or Adelaide?"


5. Casablanca (1942)

"It’s old-school, but there's a reason it's praised as a classic ending!"


6. Scream (1996)

"That final shot with Courteney Cox giving her Gale Weathers 'Exclusive Eyewitness Account' newscast with the police in the background as the camera cranes upward to face the rising sun to the tune of Moby's 'First Cool Hive' playing in the background...biiiiitch, chills. SO ICONIC."


7. Rogue One (2016)

"That Darth Vader scene was freaking amazing!"


8. Primal Fear (1996)

"It's a double twist ending, but the biggest twist is in the final scene and makes the whole movie pay off. It very much deserves to be on this list."


9. Psycho (1960)

"This has one of the most iconic endings of all time and I’ll fight anyone who says differently."


10. The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (2013)

"Katniss staring at the camera and her expression changing from shock to sadness to anger paired with the final line, 'There is no District 12.' It makes you appreciate the film as a whole as well as wonder what is going to happen next with Katniss's story."


11. Train to Busan (2016)

"I’m terrified of zombies so I was already scared, but then when the dad sacrificed himself so his daughter could get away...I started bawling my eyes out. It was so well done, engrossing, and heart-wrenching."


12. Tarzan (1999)

"From the second her glove blows away to the reprise of 'Two Worlds, One Family' to the final 'Tarzan yell' before it cuts to black... I know it's just a cartoon, but it is a fantastic, cathartic ending!"


13. The Silence of the Lambs (1991)

"The iconic 'I’m having an old friend for dinner' line with Dr. Lecter hanging up and slowly following Chilton while Clarice is still panicking on the phone... Perfection."


14. Whiplash (2014)

"This movie has the most satisfying ending ever committed to film."


15. American Psycho (2000)

"Christian Bale's monologue at the end is just absolutely breathtaking."


16. Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)

"It's so chaotic, and then when Cap tells Fury he's upset because he 'had a date.' So good."


17. Inglourious Basterds (2009)

"Just watch it. It’s graphic, but it was the perfect ending to the movie."


18. La La Land (2016)

"It was such a well-executed epilogue scene and a final nod of farewell between Sebastian and Mia. It wrapped up the story beautifully."


19. The Departed (2006)

"It's still probably the only Martin Scorsese movie that I didn't think was too long! Epic ending!"


20. Pan's Labyrinth (2006)

"I love period pieces, and the fact that they were able to infuse fantasy and magic is amazing."


21. The Shining (1980)

"This ending is *chef’s kiss*. The slow zoom-in on the photo of the hotel. I love that it leaves the viewer with so many questions. Was Jack a reincarnated spirit being called back to the hotel? Was he a victim of the hotel’s toxic energy? Did he finally find his 'home' among the other hotel guests?"


22. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)

"What about these endings? All 45 of them?! LOL. Seriously though, it's a perfect film."


To many, the conclusion of any movie is the most important part of that movie. How the producers and directors want you to feel when the movie finally ends is often what makes the whole movie worth it.

Which movie ending did you love the most? Drop your comments down below.
