Online Community Criticizes Man Who Wants To Call CPS On His Wife After Pressuring Her Into Having A Baby

It seems that the woman is experiencing baby blues after giving birth.

Online Community Criticizes Man Who Wants To Call CPS On His Wife After Pressuring Her Into Having A Baby

People who do not wish to have children deserve to be respected for their decision. This world does not need unwanted children.

Ultimately, choosing whether or not to have kids is a personal decision. And every person should be free to make decisions based on their beliefs, wants, and circumstances.

If you're with a person who doesn't want kids and you do, don't even try to change their mind. Attempting to change someone's mind or pressuring them into having children when they have made it clear that they do not want to can lead to resentment, unhappiness, and strained relationships.

Couples who haven't married need to have an open and honest conversation about family planning. After all, marriage is a commitment.

The expectations from both sides need to align so they can make their marriage last. But what should couples do when they're already married?

According to experts, it's better to seek professional help. A skilled therapist can encourage both sides to understand each other's perspectives, establish a common ground, and find solutions that the couple is comfortable with.

Today's post can be aggravating for people, especially those who've made the ultimate decision not to have kids. A man shared a problem in his marriage, telling the community that he changed his wife's mind about having children.

And now that their baby is out, it seems that she's having postpartum depression. The husband failed to recognize this and wanted to call CPS on her instead.

Not only did the man get slammed on Reddit, but he was also criticized on Twitter.

Not only did the man get slammed on Reddit, but he was also criticized on Twitter.Twitter

The wife made it clear from the very beginning that she wants to live a child-free life.

Hi all. Throwaway because my wife and I see each others stuff on Reddit.
So my (31M) wife (28F) and I met when she was 22. We hit it off and we’re married within a year. She was always “childfree” and told me that from the start. I figured she was just young and free and eventually she would settle down like every other woman out there.
The wife made it clear from the very beginning that she wants to live a child-free life.Reddit, Pexels

Before the wife managed to remove her tubes, the couple had their first child.

Welll eventually it started looking like she was actually serious, and she wanted to get her tubes “removed”. This really bothered me and I told her I think I’d be upset if she did it. Eventually I managed to get her to agree to have one kid. So we started trying right away, she still wanted her tubes removed immediately after.
Before the wife managed to remove her tubes, the couple had their first child.Reddit, Pexels

Everything went good...or so he thought.

We got pregnant fast! It was incredible. Everything went smoothly during the pregnancy and my wife gave birth to our son.
Everything went good...or so he thought.Reddit, Pexels

Was he not educated about postpartum depression?

My advice request comes into play here- my wife has not been the same since he was born. She cries more than he does, doesn’t seem to want to hold him, and refuses to let him nurse from her. He is on formula we can barely afford even though she has the ability to nurse him. She used to be fun, bubbly, joking. Now it’s like she’s a completely different person.
Was he not educated about postpartum depression?Reddit, Pexels

The wife was in distress, so the husband decided to take the baby to his parents.

Yesterday I came home from work to them both crying and screaming, and my wife said “get him out of my house” referring to our son. I didn’t know what to do so I took him to my parents house and came back home, and my wife was still in the same spot, crying, telling me her life is ruined, and that she had thoughts of running away.
The wife was in distress, so the husband decided to take the baby to his parents.Reddit, Pexels

Now he wants to call CPS. What a ridiculous plan!

I have no idea what to do here. I feel my wife has a duty to our son to nurse and love him. Yet she is trying to abandon him. Should I call CPS to talk to her about what she’s doing? A hospital for her? What can I do about this? Is splitting up and me taking our son the best route? How else do I get him out of the house?
Now he wants to call CPS. What a ridiculous plan!Reddit, Pexels

People were fuming at the original poster.

What the actual f***? You married a person who told you point blank they didn't want to have children. Several times. You nagged and she relented to get you to shut up. She didn't change her mind. You coerced her into something she didn't want to make you happy.
People were fuming at the original poster.Reddit, Pexels

It's all the husband's fault for not respecting his wife's choice.

You figured wrong, and your assumption is both ignorant and sexist. And now both your wife and your child are suffering because of your selfishness and your stupidity. Congratulations, you’re a douchebag.
It's all the husband's fault for not respecting his wife's choice.Reddit, Pexels

He is a terrible husband. And it wouldn't be surprising if he comes a terrible dad.

Dude, you pretty much coerced her into having a kid she didn’t want, and now you want to commit her to a mental institution for what you did? That’s terrible. The least you could do would be to help out a little, and you’re worried she isn’t “fulfilling her duty” to breastfeed and be on call 24 hours. No words here, just shame on you. She’s right, you absolutely ruined it.
He is a terrible husband. And it wouldn't be surprising if he comes a terrible dad.Reddit, Pexels

This man, sadly, hasn't learned his lesson. Instead of practicing understanding, he wants to make his wife's (and child's) life miserable.

This man's experience serves as a reminder of the importance of respecting and listening to one's partner's desires and choices. It is crucial to acknowledge and honor the decision to be childfree.
