Angry Husband Swears At Wife For Using His Water Bottle For The Dog

Did she go too far by telling her husband she'll use whatever she wants?

Angry Husband Swears At Wife For Using His Water Bottle For The Dog

Jqf27, a Reddit user, shared a post on the "AITA" subreddit about an argument she had with her husband over the use of water bottles. Jqf27 and her husband are in their mid-30s and have recently adopted a new puppy.

They are trying to establish a schedule for the puppy, and Jqf27, who is currently on winter break from school, is doing most of the work. She also handles most of the household chores and home management, despite her full-time studies.

Her husband works 40 hours a week and helps with dishes if Jqf27 cooks an elaborate meal. They also have no mortgage on their home, as Jqf27 bought it outright, and her husband pays for everything else.

Jqf27 bought her husband glass jars for juice and replaced the metal lids with plastic ones to prevent rusting. There were four extra bottles, so she filled them with water and put them in the fridge.

In the morning, she poured the water from one of the bottles into the puppy's bowl, refilled the bottle, and replaced it in the fridge. Her husband was upset that she used the bottles for the dog, claiming that they were for him to monitor his juice intake.

Jqf27 argued that the water was not juice and that the bottles were extra from the original 12 anyways. She also pointed out that she does all the monitoring, not her husband. Her husband insisted that he sometimes likes to substitute water, to which Jqf27 suggested he use a cup instead.

The argument escalated, and Jqf27 told her husband that until he helped more around the house, she would use whatever she wanted. In response, her husband took all the bottles upstairs and put them in his mini-fridge.

Jqf27 then took the bottles back, and her husband called her a b*tch and locked his door. He didn't come down for dinner, and Jqf27 gave his portion to the dog. Jqf27 is now asking the subreddit if she is the a-hole in this situation.

Here’s how Reddit responded.

Here's OP's story.

Here's OP's story.u/Jqf27

She didn't let the dog touch the bottle, but here's what Reddit thinks.

She didn't let the dog touch the bottle, but here's what Reddit thinks.u/Jqf27

1. She has two dogs in her home.

1. She has two dogs in her home.u/Jqf27

2. Her husband has child-like issues.

2. Her husband has child-like issues.u/Jqf27

3. There are more issues going on in their relationship.

3. There are more issues going on in their relationship.u/Jqf27

4. She could have used another container and not made a big deal out of it.

4. She could have used another container and not made a big deal out of it.u/Jqf27

5. Her husband overreacted.

5. Her husband overreacted.u/Jqf27

6. They are not ready to own a dog.

6. They are not ready to own a dog.u/Jqf27

7. She and her husband handled the situation childishly.

7. She and her husband handled the situation childishly.u/Jqf27

8. Sounds like a scene from a movie.

8. Sounds like a scene from a movie.u/Jqf27

9. The argument shouldn't have escalated into a big issue.

9. The argument shouldn't have escalated into a big issue.u/Jqf27

10. If they step back and look at the situation objectively, they would realize the fight is unnecessary.

10. If they step back and look at the situation objectively, they would realize the fight is unnecessary.u/Jqf27

11. Their relationship is suffering from poor communication.

11. Their relationship is suffering from poor communication.u/Jqf27

What Do You Think?

Respect and communication are key to resolving issues in a relationship. They allow both parties to express their needs and concerns in a way that is heard and understood.

Without them, conflicts can escalate and damage the relationship. It's essential for both partners to actively maintain a culture of respect and open communication to resolve conflicts effectively and strengthen the relationship.
