Husband Bans Wife From His Bathroom Because She Leaves A Mess Of Water Behind Her When She Leaves
This is a less serious post and we love going over these types of posts because they give us a bit of light.
56t We're back again with another Reddit post and today we are taking a look at one from the AITA page, but it's not what we're used to seeing from this page. Usually, we hear about stories that are quite heavy, involve a lot of drama, and may even be easy to choose a side.
However, this time the post isn't that heavy and it's more of an innocent thing that the husband did. Basically, this husband is banning his wife from his bathroom but the reason isn't anything crazy and it's actually quite innocent.
We wanted to cover this just because it's a switch up from what we usually cover on here and sometimes we just need to read something a bit lighthearted. So that's exactly what we'll be doing today.
So if you're interested and want to hear more about this story then you'll want to stay tuned. The reasoning behind the husband banning his wife isn't anything that could cause problems, but it is a pretty funny situation.
We are going to dive in and take a look at the original post and some of the comments that people left on it as well so stay tuned for all the details,
OP starts off by saying that him and his wife both have their own full sized bathrooms.
He explains his pet peeve and what it's like when going into the bathroom after her.
He says that she often uses his bathroom because it's closer to where she is.
He says that he's explained all of this to her before and she's said that she'll stop doing it.
However, he goes into detail of all the water that was left after she has left the bathroom.
He tells her that she needs to stop using his restroom if she can't clean up and then lists what happened next with her reaction.
He feels bad but also feels like this isn't unreasonable.
The first comment declares him NTA and says how they enjoy the mundane content instead of the usual craziness of Reddit.
This person started off by saying NTA but also asked a little bit about how she washes her face in order to get water everywhere how she does.
Ultimately this is a pretty fair deal and honestly they have separate bathrooms for a reason.
Some people suggested even locking his bathroom to keep her out of it.
This comment shares that the separate bathrooms work for their marriage as well so it seems that this isn't uncommon.
It seems liek OP has become a bit of a relationship goal after sharing this info about their separate bathrooms.
It seems like everyone is voting NTA and we have to agree. He said he's fascinated by how wet she can actually get the bathroom.
We loved reading through this easy and mundane post in comparison to some other Reddit posts that we usually see. Ultimately everyone voted for him as NTA, and we have to agree.
They have separate bathrooms for a reason, and if she can't clean up after herself, then it's best for her, maybe just not to use his bathroom at all.