Hungry Woman Polishes Off Giant Steak And Dessert In Front Of Disapproving MIL Who Says No Woman Should Eat That Much

"My favourite part is OP eating the steak AND ordering dessert."

  • Published in Funny
Hungry Woman Polishes Off Giant Steak And Dessert In Front Of Disapproving MIL Who Says No Woman Should Eat That Much

It was a triumph for women everywhere when a 27-year-old devoured every bit of her giant steak after being told by her food-policing mother-in-law it was excessive to do so. This habit of her MIL caused a contentious relationship between them.

OP requires large meals because of her labor-intensive job. She works with horses and regularly burns up to 3k calories per day. Besides, a fast metabolism runs in her family. Knowing all these, her MIL still snarks about how OP eats.

Things got heated when OP and her husband were invited by his family to dinner. OP had a busy day at work and hasn't eaten anything since she left home that morning.

She also didn't grab a snack before heading to the restaurant. She typically ate a snack before meeting her MIL to avoid any food-related sermons.

Her MIL had a lot to say about OP's large steak with prawns, bacon, and two sides during that family dinner. That particular dish was meant for two people.

MIL cautioned OP against her choice. She said even her husband wouldn't be able to finish the meal.

OP smiled as she explained to her MIL that she was ravenous because she hadn't eaten all day. She could also take her leftovers home if the steak proved too much.

OP ate the steak easily and was waiting for her dessert, when her MIL started her tirade.

OP ate the steak easily and was waiting for her dessert, when her MIL started her tirade.u/DragonflySouth4310

She accused OP of attention-seeking. MIL said her husband and son were uncomfortable.

She accused OP of attention-seeking. MIL said her husband and son were uncomfortable.u/DragonflySouth4310

Something must be wrong with OP, she said, because no woman should eat that much.

Something must be wrong with OP, she said, because no woman should eat that much.u/DragonflySouth4310

OP refused when her MIL demanded that OP and her husband cover the bill. OP reminded her MIL of her expensive orders which cost more than her steak. Her husband is on her side, but his family has been sending OP articles about excessive eating.

OP refused when her MIL demanded that OP and her husband cover the bill. OP reminded her MIL of her expensive orders which cost more than her steak. Her husband is on her side, but his family has been sending OP articles about excessive eating.u/DragonflySouth4310

OP explained what they usually did with the bill and why she balked when MIL asked her to cover the entire tab.

OP explained what they usually did with the bill and why she balked when MIL asked her to cover the entire tab.DragonflySouth4310

Redditors weren't too happy with OP's husband. They said he should have intervened.

Redditors weren't too happy with OP's husband. They said he should have intervened.Texmaryfornia, DragonflySouth4310

He shouldn't have allowed his mom to disparage OP to the point where she eats before meeting them to avoid any comments about how she ate.

He shouldn't have allowed his mom to disparage OP to the point where she eats before meeting them to avoid any comments about how she ate.Traditional_Fun7712

OP doubted how she behaved at that dinner after the messages and social media posts her husband's family wrote about her.

OP doubted how she behaved at that dinner after the messages and social media posts her husband's family wrote about her.Kris82868, DragonflySouth4310

The misogyny is coming from inside the building. MIL needs to learn about boundaries and stop mentally calculating OP's caloric intake.

The misogyny is coming from inside the building. MIL needs to learn about boundaries and stop mentally calculating OP's caloric intake.WikkidWitchly

That last bite wouldn't have tasted as good with MIL's face in view.

That last bite wouldn't have tasted as good with MIL's face in view.JoeyShabadoo79

In an alternate universe, this would have been their exchange.

In an alternate universe, this would have been their exchange.crack_crack9000, Reddit

People like OP's MIL would be enough to spoil anyone's appetite.

People like OP's MIL would be enough to spoil anyone's appetite.Reddit, Orangewithblue

If the social media posts and messages don't stop, OP can use this comment as her default reply.

If the social media posts and messages don't stop, OP can use this comment as her default reply.HappySummerBreeze

OP ate a gigantic serving of steak, sides, and a delicious dessert to prove her misogynistic MIL wrong. Her husband's mom wouldn't have choked on her food if she left what was on OP's plate alone.

Is it possible that her MIL was still hungry? Could that be the reason why she got so upset at how much OP enjoyed the steak, sides, and dessert she had for dinner?
