SAHM Discovers Human Turd In Dryer After Leaving Household Duties In Husband’s ‘Capable’ Hands Due To Being Down With The Flu

“How can things get this bad in just a few days?!”

SAHM Discovers Human Turd In Dryer After Leaving Household Duties In Husband’s ‘Capable’ Hands Due To Being Down With The Flu

When the flu came knocking, one supermom found herself bedridden with a bad fever.

Our narrator (Original Poster) remained confined to her bed as she endured the full flu package: chills, body aches, vomiting, and some unwelcome gastrointestinal issues—life was a living nightmare.

OP’s husband, bless his heart, took care of her, and their four kids (aged 14, 6, 4, and 1) while struggling to keep the ship afloat. However, as wonderful as he was, he wasn’t her. 

The house was transformed into a scene from a disaster movie. Laundry piled up like Mount Everest, kids created messes that defied the laws of physics, and the backyard became a landmine of dog poop.

The icing on the cake? Stickers. Everywhere. On the hardwood floors, windows, furniture—you name it. And who got the fun task of scraping them off one by one? You guessed it. OP

Supermom was on the mend but still not at full power. She was slowly digging the family out of the chaos pit when her husband declared he needed a few days off to “recharge.” The timing, to say the least, was spectacularly bad.

OP suggested they could discuss his "me time" next week because right now, she needed his help to restore order. He got a bit huffy, and her retort? Maybe if he'd done more than the bare minimum during her flu-ridden days, they wouldn’t be in this mess.

Now, there was tension in the air and OP began wondering if she took the clap back too far. Was she the a**hole in this scenario?

Let’s dig into the details

Let’s dig into the

A bit of background

A bit of

While OP’s husband was helpful during the period she was ill, he wasn’t 100% efficient with the housework

While OP’s husband was helpful during the period she was ill, he wasn’t 100% efficient with the

OP’s husband requested some time off to recharge, however, OP was insistent that she needs his help with the housework

OP’s husband requested some time off to recharge, however, OP was insistent that she needs his help with the

Important edit


OP decided to shed more light on everything that happened within the period her husband was in charge of the housework

OP decided to shed more light on everything that happened within the period her husband was in charge of the

On one particular day, OP found a human turd in the dryer

On one particular day, OP found a human turd in the

The final bit

The final

We gathered some reactions from the Reddit community:

We gathered some reactions from the Reddit

“He is entitled to time off but now isn’t the right time for sitting on your arse and relaxing.”

“He is entitled to time off but now isn’t the right time for sitting on your arse and relaxing.”

“I don’t think it’s unfair to request his several day break. It can happen after the back log of work is caught up.”

“I don’t think it’s unfair to request his several day break. It can happen after the back log of work is caught up.”

An interesting perspective from a stay-at-home-dad

An interesting perspective from a

“NTA-Your husband wants a reward for doing literally the bare minimum.”

“NTA-Your husband wants a reward for doing literally the bare minimum.”

“OP your husband needs to do a lot better.”

“OP your husband needs to do a lot better.”

“I think this is more so a communication issue than anything and if he helps get the house back in order is justified in having a self care day.”

“I think this is more so a communication issue than anything and if he helps get the house back in order is justified in having a self care day.”

OP’s ill health opened her eyes to her husband’s shortcomings in the areas of housekeeping and childcare.

It wasn’t also surprising that OP was frustrated at her husband’s request to take a break after the overloading he had caused. Let’s not even talk about what it would feel like to find a human turd in your dryer.

Hopefully, the entire mess sparks some much-needed change in their household.
